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Evelyn fiddled with the black bandana in her hands as she walked over to the field of campers. She was waiting for the game of Capture the Flag to start as she watched campers all around her do some last-minute practice. 

She tied the bandana around her head, (Courtesy of her cabin counsellor, Silena, who had made it for her) it kept her bangs out of the way whenever she was doing some activity. 

Evelyn started walking around, looking for a certain daughter of Athena. She spotted Annabeth staring at something near her, and Evelyn had the amazing idea of giving her friend a little scare. 

She creeped up on her friend before quickly placing her hands on Annabeth's shoulders, "Whatcha you looking at?"

The dark-skinned girl jumped, turning around to see a big smile on Evelyn face, happy that she got a reaction. "Stop sneaking up on me like that!" She swatted Evelyn's arm playfully.

Evelyn peered over her friend's shoulder to see what she was looking at, and saw Percy and Luke already staring in their direction, "You need to stop staring down Percy like that," She said, waving at the two boys with a smile, then turned back to Annabeth, "You're gonna make him more nervous than he probably already is."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "He's the one, I know it."

"While I do believe you, you've said that about every newcomer to camp since you've heard of Chiron's prophecy." Evelyn commented.

"I'm telling you, this time I have a good feeling on it."

Evelyn shook her head, turning her gaze to Percy and finding his eyes were already on her. The conch shell suddenly blew, signaling the start of the game. 

"Heroes...It's time."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Percy stood with Luke as Chiron explained the rules of capture the flag with the two teams standing still, waiting for the games to begin, "The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected. Any magical items you may possess are permitted as well."

"It's okay." Luke nodded, staring down the members of the red team, "Let her rip."

"Every camper who is not injured has to play, and prisoners may be disarmed but may not be bound or gagged."

"I still don't even know what my job is." Percy shrugged, "Maybe I won't even need a sword."

"Let the games begin!" Chiron finished, and battle cries rose from both teams. Percy noticed Clarisse and the other Ares kids who were in the bathroom glare at him. "I'm gonna need a sword."

"Go talk to Eve," Luke pointed at the girl who was fiddling with her helmet, "She probably knows what you have to do. Annabeth tells her everything; even when she's not apart of it." Luke said before walking off to talk to the other blue team members.

Percy walked up to Evelyn, "So uh, you wouldn't know what I have to do right?" he asked, very confused.

Evelyn turned to him. "Annabeth will give you orders, you met her right?" Evelyn asked with what appeared to be a teasing smile and Percy realized that she knew about the bathroom situation with Clarisse. Luke really wasn't lying when he said Annabeth tells Eve everything.

"Yeah but, I don't know what's going on."

Evelyn's eyes landed on something near Percy's shoulders, and reached out to it. "You'll be fine, you've defeated a minotaur before, and you have your sword with you." She reassured him as Percy watched her fingers secure his armor which he hadn't realize wasn't clasped correctly. "Just keep an eye out for Clarisse's spear, you don't wanna get hit by that, trust me."

UNFORGIVEN¹ PERCY JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now