Day:1 Jax, ragatha, and Pomni

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Ragatha's POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night and heard some kind of noise coming from Jax's room I heard banging and smashing and yelling I immediately got out of bed,got my slippers on with my checkered pajamas and rushed out my room I knocked on his door, "ONE MINUTE" I heard him say I waited and waited for him to open the door but he didn't want to so I decided I was gonna go in myself.

Jax's POV:
I heard Ragatha knock on the door but I just didn't want to open the door because she would see all the junk in my room, so I decided to clean my room quickly a bit before I opened the door. I started with my bed,then my closet then I hid my diary because the last time Ragatha was in my room she touched my sweet precious diary. Anyway..I heard banging on my door "I'm coming jeez relax rags.." "you better be coming I gotta talk to you" I opened the door and let her in but then I noticed Pomni came out her room running towards me it looked like she wanted to say something to me so I stopped to talk to her "hey um Jax can I sleep in your room? I got locked out of mine gangle thought it was funny to lock me out of my room" " no clown, figure it out yourself, buh bye now:)" "Jax stop being so rude! you can sleep in my room" Ragatha said "thank you Ragatha" then Pomni walked away to get back at gangle. As I closed the door I had the biggest and most funniest idea I was gonna prank Ragatha with Ethan one of my centipedes but as I turned around I saw Ragatha holding my biggest fear 😨

Word count is 322 words
Yes I left you guys on a cliff hanger🤭

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