Day:2Jax and Ragatha

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Jax's POV:
As I closed the door I turned around and say Ragatha holding my biggest fear..CORN!she started waving it in my face I ran around my whole room trying to get that corn away from me! But that didn't last long she eventually got me and started tickling me
Viewers POV:
Jax was laughing crying while Ragatha was tickling him everywhere after Ragatha was done tickling the heck out of Jax,he snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist and pulled her on the bed and started tickling her.Jax got tired of tickling her and decided he would take a nap and Ragatha asked if she could sleep in his room since she was to tired to go back to her room and he said yes.|time skiipp| Jax woke up a few hours later and went to grab his diary since Ragatha was sleep and started writing in his diary.
{Dear diary,today Ragatha woke me up from my sleep with her pretty, [erase] don't worry about that..anyway I'm hoping she doesn't wake up and sees this because sh!# I'm gonna be busted}
Ragatha's POV:
I woke up and saw Jax laying down near his dresser writing in some kind of book I got up and walked over to him "hey Jax I never got to tell you what I wanted to say yesterday can I tell you now?" By the time I got over there he quickly shut his book that he was writing in and got up and turned around to face me "sure what did you wanna say?"i could tell he was nervous so I went and sat on the edge of his bed and he did the same " um how do I say this.." I got up and went in front of him suddenly he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. We stared at each other for a small moment before he kissed me on the lips! I was so shocked that after we just stared at each other until I pulled in back for an another kiss.

Word count is 366 words
Also I'm gonna update the info page

Jax X Ragatha #Tadc #The amazing digital circus #Jax #Ragatha # PomniWhere stories live. Discover now