Day:7 Jax angst(small)

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Jax's pov: Ever since Pomni came along Ragatha's been just, ignoring me and I've been getting blamed for every situation she got stuck in, like a deleted part in the candy canyon kingdom, Ragatha blamed me for the reason we were stuck in that fudge monster thingy, she only worried about was that Pomni was having another bad day here and not worried about if we would get eaten by that monster. Even when I just look at her she gets mad now, She thinks I'm selfish because I didn't go to my best friend's funeral.. I think I should stop talking though because I go insane and ask what the point was of putting that STUIPD HEADSET ON!, ...that's enough in just gonna go to bed.
Words: 155
Jax is sometimes misunderstood by the members but when he is sad sometimes he'll probably go to kinger or ZOOBLE because they both can keep secrets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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