Day:4 Jax Ragatha and Gangle

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Ragatha's POV:
I was just about to yell at Jax until we heard a knock on his door. Jax's ears shot up just like a real rabbit would do,I went up to the door and turned to face Jax and told him "this conversation is not over until I say it is" I put a little aggressiveness in my voice I could let him know I wasn't messing around with him and he just sat down on the bed a pouted like a child. I opened the door and saw gangle looking up at me with her comedy mask on "oh you fixed your mask?" I asked "yeah.. but I need to tell you something on this sticky note since J.A.X is here.." she said "Crybaby I can f$!?ing hear you"
"Well since he's already grumpy I gotta leave before he destroys this last mask too.. bye Ragatha!" She said while she ran away and tripped down the hallway and as soon as I saw her crying I closed the door. "Why are you acting like a grumpy upset little kid who couldn't get candy from a store!?" I said as I put the sticky note on the wall. "F!$k you Ragatha" I noticed he called me Ragatha instead of doll face so I knew he was mad about something "...Jax are you uh mad at me..?" He didn't say anything at all and his ears just dropped down while he was crying and kinda looking up at me. "..look Ragatha get the f!$k out my room.." "What!? Why" "JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" "NO! Not until you tell me what you're so mad about!" "... fine I just kept on thinking you were gonna hate me just like everyone does everyday and no one knows how it is to have no one!"

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