Day:6 Ragatha and Jax in a room

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Ragatha's POV: I woke up and got ready like I always do but this time in my own room. I walked out the room and went to talk to Jax first "Hey Jax" I said as he looked me up and down which was werid "your not gonna put a centipede in my room behind the scenes again,right?" I asked him "you bet your a$$ I will" he responded back "Why do you have to do this to me!? Why can't you just not pick on us for one day atleast?" I told him "Dollface I can do what I want and besides,Why should I listen to you? What I do is FUN" he told me ("I have had enough of this bullsh!t he's going to pay.And I mean I will make him pay for the suffering I have been through..") I said in my mind "IM SO TIRED OF YOU,YOU STUIPD F⚪️🖤KING BONNIE FROM FNAF,I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUIPD LITTLE PRANKS THIS IS EXACTLY WHY YOU PULL NO B⚪️TCHES,NO H⚪️ES AND NO MONEY!" I bursted out and went on a rampage,As I was ranting about the stuff he does, he just rolled his eyes and walked away like it was nothing to him. I ran into my room ready to cry because I was teary eyed until I noticed Jax coming to my doorframe while I was crying,He leaned on the doorframe with a stupid smirk on his face while watching me cry. "Leave me alone,I don't want to deal with your nonsense while I'm crying" I said sobbing with eyes full of a waterfall "Aww is the poor baby crying?" He teased at me which made me cry harder, "Cry harder,Maybe I'll leave you alone then" he said which I just kept on crying,He leaned in front of me and started making kissing Noises! I still kept on crying,he leaned in closer blowing raspberry in my face which made me cry EVEN HARDER,He kept blowing raspberry in my face yet each time he got closer I still cried my heart out.I didn't want to deal with him anymore so inside under my bed and he sat on the edge of my bed after I hid,I was so tired of crying I cried myself to sleep.
Jax's POV: I heard Ragatha crying herself to sleep under the bed so I pulled her from under the bed and put her on her bed.I felt like laying down next to her but it just felt werid since we only did that once because she was too tired to go to her own room. Before I left I kissed her on the forehead trying to not wake her up and I left,Bit I hesitated is I went back in the room and sat down on the edge of the bed again. I saw her in deep sleep so I decided to be a peace ruiner and put my hand on her shoulder and shake her awake "what do you want..?" She said while obviously being half awake "Your late for rehearsal,Be glad I woke you up dork" I told her "What did you just call me?" She said back to me "I called you late for rehearsal and a dork, Do you need your ears cleaned? Or are you just deaf?" I snapped at her "You will not call me that,Unless you want your yellow stinky teeth knocked out" She snapped back for once in a lifetime. I snickered at her and told her "Sure you can try doll" I said with a grin on my face. She then tried to punch me but luckily I blocked the punch and grabbed her wrist,When I looked at her she look surprised and scared at the same time,I twisted her wrist and pulled her in close she seemed pretty scared. I put my face close to hers which made her even more scared but I just looked at her and leaned in to kiss her I just couldn't resist,She pushed me but I pinned her on the bed  "what are you doing!?" I didn't respond to her and just leaned in to kiss her again, she tried wiggling out the position but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back "What is wrong with you Jax? Why are you acting like this??" I didn't answer and just leaned in again she struggled to get out but I held/pinned her tight kissed her for atleast 2 minutes
Ragatha's POV :
He kept kissing me and I got caught up in it that I kisses him back while he was running his paws/gloves through my hair "I tried to not do this today but you just keep doing it" I told him but he didn't care and just held me closer and kept kissing me eventually we both got tired and missed rehearsals but Caine didn't say anything or come get us.
Word count is 868 words
This was my longest one yet so if you made it congratulations!

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