Day:5 Jax and Ragatha

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Ragatha's POV:
I had to think about what he said for a moment before i said anything to make sure I heard him correctly.But I saw he was super nervous and that's when he just went fluffy mode,I couldn't find him and I thought he just ran out the room but he couldn't have because I closed the door, I looked under the bed,wasn't there, looked next to his dresser,nope the last place was the closet and the desk, I saw nothing under the desk so I opened the closet and there he was.He had grew back because he got calm, I tugged him out the closet and cuddled him he looked like he needed one,He hugged me back a kissed me lightly on the forehead which was pretty sweet coming from a hard headed rabbit. "I'm ..sorry" he said "it's ok it's not your fault we all have to rant and vent sometimes" I told him "it's just every time I wanna be alone with you pomni just appears out of thin air and needs help with something and she always wants You to help her"he said "I could plan days we get to spend time together..?" ... "alright as long as that rat doesn't ruin it" he said,I told him I was gonna go take a bath and come back out to go to sleep.
Jax's POV: she told me she was gonna take a bath so I just went to go get a digital noodles because it's the only thing that supposedly "tastes" good I went to go out and go grab it but then I ran into that clown again and she tried starting a conversation like always,so I tried running faster but she just did the same until I got to the vending machine "why are trying to ignore me? Did I do something wrong?" She said, always trying to make someone like her,but I wasn't trying to talk to anyone today but doll face and that wasn't working out "will you leave me the f!;k alone!?" I said as i jogged back to doll faces room. When I walked in I felt so tired like I was gonna pass out or something-

Word count is 399 words
I think there will be atleast 18 chapters or 20 because I like writing these types of stories

Jax X Ragatha #Tadc #The amazing digital circus #Jax #Ragatha # PomniWhere stories live. Discover now