Chapter 2 - 8 Long Years...

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Demi closed her eyes as she felt the cool air rush past her face, her fingers intertwined tightly with the seatbelt as the plane touched down on the tarmac. She took a deep breath, her chest heaving as she released it slowly. It had been eight years since she had last seen Lily, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Excitement to see her old friend again, and trepidation because she wasn't quite sure how Lily would react to the person she had become.

The flight attendant's voice came over the intercom, "Welcome to Adelaide, Australia. Please make sure your seatbacks and tray tables are in their upright and locked positions. Please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the cabin crew has given the all-clear." Demi nodded absently, already reaching for her carry-on bag, eager to disembark and make her way through the city that she grew up in with her old friend.

As she followed the signs toward customs, she couldn't help but smile at the familiar sights around her. The Australia-themed wallpaper, the red and white banners hanging from the ceiling. It all brought back memories of the countless hours she had spent at the airport. She wondered if Lily had come to the airport yet, and if she was waiting by the arrival gate, as nervous as Demi.

Finally, she made it through customs and retrieved her luggage. She quickly made her way to the arrival gate, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. She spotted Lily almost immediately, standing near the entrance with her arms crossed, her posture radiating confidence and self-assurance. Demi felt a surge of emotions as she watched her friend approach her, a wide grin spreading across her face.

"Demi!!" Lily exclaimed, dropping her bags and throwing her arms around Demi in a tight hug. She always felt so much smaller in Demi's strong embrace, but it was a familiar and comforting sensation. They stood there for a moment, swaying gently back and forth, their faces pressed together, and Demi could feel Lily's soft breath brushing against her cheek. It was as if no time had passed at all.

"Oh my God it's so good to see you." Demi said, returning the hug just as tightly. As they pulled apart, she couldn't help but notice how much Lily had grown since the last time they'd seen each other. Lily was known as the shortie of the Wrestling Club, but now she had grown about 3 inches, her longer legs and broader shoulders making her look powerful and confident. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, revealing her high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a worn-in black T-shirt.

"You're taller than I remember." Demi chuckled, glancing down at Lily's frame. She had grown too, of course, but it was hard to miss the change in Lily.

"You too." Lily returned the laugh.

They gathered their things and began to walk through the airport, catching up on each other's lives. Lily had been working as a mechanic at a local garage and had been keeping in shape at the gym in her free time. Demi told her about her life in the WWE, about the matches she'd won and the friends she'd made along the way. They laughed and talked, easily falling back into their old rhythm.

Eventually, they exited the airport and found Lily's car waiting for them outside. It wasn't the best car but it was hers and she had built it up from the frame herself. They loaded their luggage into the trunk and climbed into the car, the familiar scent of leather and gasoline filling Demi's nose. Lily started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, navigating through the busy streets of Adelaide with ease.

"Should we go to the cafe we used to hang out at? They still do the same tasty chocolate chip muffins I remember you always used to get..." Lily asked, already feeling the familiar warmth of Demi's presence envelop her.

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