Chapter 5 - Dream.

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Smut Warning, hehe ;)

Another night, another time for Lily to think of Demi.

The moonlight streamed through her bedroom window, casting a soft glow across the familiar posters. It was always like this; whenever she felt alone or confused, Demi's face would flash through her mind, bringing with it a mix of emotions that she could never quite decipher. She tried to push the thoughts away, telling herself that it was wrong, that she should focus on other things. But somehow, Demi always found her way back into her mind.

Eventually, she drifted off to sleep, her dreams taking her on a journey, this journey was far from just a sweet dream, this was a dream full of passion and desire.

In her dream, she found herself sitting on the couch in her living room, but instead of being alone, Demi was there with her. The air between them felt electric, charged with an intensity that Lily had never experienced before. Demi leaned in close, her lips brushing against Lily's ear, sending shivers down her spine. "I've wanted this for so long," she whispered, her breath hot against Lily's skin.

Lily couldn't believe what was happening, yet she couldn't bring herself to pull away. Instead, she felt herself becoming more and more aroused as Demi's hands began to wander, exploring her body with a confidence that Lily had never seen in her friend before. It was as if Demi had always known what she wanted, and now that she had finally found the courage to act on it, there was no stopping her.

Their kiss deepened, becoming more urgent as they moved across the living room floor, their bodies pressing tightly together. Lily could feel the heat between them, and the way Demi's lips curved into a smile as she touched her made her heart race even faster. She knew that what they were doing was wrong, but somehow it felt so right, so necessary.

As their kisses traveled down her neck and across her collarbone, Lily could feel Demi's hand slip beneath her shirt, caressing her bare skin. The sensation was intoxicating, and she arched her back into the touch, moaning softly. Her own hands found their way under Demi's shirt as well, exploring the smooth skin of her back, feeling the warmth of her breath against her neck.

Their passionate embrace seemed to last for hours, as if time itself had been suspended in this moment of pure desire. They moved together, their bodies in perfect sync, and Lily could feel herself growing closer to the edge of something she'd never experienced before. It felt so right, so natural, that she couldn't bring herself to stop.

As they continued to explore each other, their kisses became more urgent, more desperate, as if they were afraid that this moment might slip away from them. Lily could feel Demi's fingers digging into her hips, urging her on, guiding her movements. And with each thrust, each caress, she could feel the tension building inside her, coiling tighter and tighter until she thought she might burst.

She tried to focus on the sensations, to lose herself in the moment, but part of her mind still registered the fact that this wasn't right. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. She loved Demi, yes, but not like this. Not like this, with this burning need coursing through her veins.

Demi's touch seemed to know exactly where to go, what to do, and Lily found herself giving in to the pleasure, her body arching up to meet each of Demi's movements. Her own hands moved frantically over Demi's back, digging into her flesh, as if trying to hold on to something that was slipping away.

As Demi's fingers brushed against her most sensitive spot, Lily cried out, her body tensing and her eyes rolling back in her head. The sensation was overwhelming, all-consuming, and she felt as if she were floating on a cloud of pure bliss.

"Let's go to the bedroom." Demi's words were a husky whisper as she finally pulled away from Lily, her breath still ragged from their intense lovemaking. Lily nodded, too dazed to speak, her body still humming with pleasure. As they stumbled down the hallway, their hands still intertwined, Lily couldn't help but marvel at how different Demi looked now. Gone was the shy, insecure girl she had always known, replaced by a confident, sensual woman who seemed to know exactly what she wanted and how to get it.

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