Chapter 16 - California Love.

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New Years Eve:
Lily stretched, feeling the weight of her backpack pull her closer to the ground. She glanced over at Demi, who was waiting impatiently at the baggage claim, tapping her foot against the linoleum. The airport was swarming with people, all in various states of excitement and exhaustion. A few families were already gathered around suitcases, laughing and arguing over who'd get to carry the heaviest bag. But there was something about Demi that made Lily feel like she was the only person in the world.

To say it was Winter, it was surprisingly still hot in Cali.

As they finally retrieved their luggage and made their way out of the airport, the smell of ocean and car exhaust filled Lily's nostrils. The warm California air brushed against her skin, a welcome feeling similar to Australia.

"Welcome to paradise babe." Demi wrapped her arm around Lily as they exited the airport. The bright California sunlight almost blinded them at first, but it quickly became a welcome sensation. They made their way to the curb, where a waiting car idled, its engine humming. The driver, a tall man with sunglasses perched on his nose, held up a sign with their names on it. He smiled warmly and loaded their luggage into the trunk before helping them into the backseat of the car.

"Wow, so this is what Cali is like. It's so beautiful." Lily looked around before getting in the car, which had a mini fridge stocked up with cans of Coca-Cola and Pepsi and LED Lights wrapping around the car. Lily wasted no time, taking a Pepsi and drinking it, the coldness cooling her down in the hot air.

As the car drove along the highway, Lily gazed out the window, taking in the palm trees and the billboards advertising movies and amusement parks. She glanced over at Demi, who was sitting close enough that their thighs occasionally brushed against each other. Demi caught her looking and smiled shyly.

She wrapped her hand around Lily's thigh, squeezing gently. "I can't wait to show you everything. There's so much to see and do here." Demi glanced over at Lily, her heart swelling with love and excitement. As they pulled up to a stoplight, she leaned over and kissed her girlfriend softly on the lips. Lily smiled against her lips, feeling the warmth of Demi's touch spread through her body.

The car finally pulled up in front of a small, cozy neighbourhood. A bright blue suburban with a white door was their new home together, the one that Lily had seen through Demi's video calls many times. Demi paid the driver and they lugged their bags up the stairs to the second floor. Their apartment was just as cute as it looked from the outside, with pale blue walls and hardwood floors. The living room area was furnished with a comfortable couch, a small coffee table, and a big flatscreen TV mounted on the wall. French doors led out to a tiny balcony with a table and two chairs, where they could sit and enjoy the fresh air and the view of the palm trees swaying in the breeze.

"Y'know this feels like a vacation but then I remember this is home now." Lily said as she sat down on the couch, letting out a content sigh. Demi nodded, agreeing as she placed her bags on the floor beside her. They took a moment to just sit there, taking in the familiarity of their new surroundings.

"I feel like you're gonna fit in just well."

Lily looked up at Demi, who was smiling down at her. She felt her heart swell with love for this woman who had taken her in and made her part of her life. They spent the rest of the evening unpacking their bags and setting up their new home together. Demi showed her the kitchen, which was equipped with all the modern appliances and a cozy breakfast nook. As they made their way back to the living room, they passed by their bedroom, which was painted a soft shade of blue and decorated with a queen-sized bed and a dresser.

They ate fresh fruit and croissants while chatting about their plans for the day. After a getting dressed, they headed out to the gym, one of their favourite pastimes together. The gym was located in the beautiful City Centre which was a paradise in itself.

They spent the day working out, sweating together on treadmills, lifting weights, and practicing yoga. After their workout, they showered together and headed to the mall for some shopping. The mall was massive, filled with high-end boutiques and department stores. They window-shopped for a while, admiring the latest fashion trends and giggling at some of the more outrageous outfits.

Eventually, they decided to grab some food at a trendy sushi bar, where they shared a variety of rolls and miso soup. As they ate, they talked about their favorite movies and TV shows, laughing at inside jokes and reminiscing about their past. The atmosphere was lively and upbeat, with the sounds of the nearby fountain providing a soothing background noise...

"Can I ask you something?" Demi seemed a bit nervous, playing with her chopsticks.

"Go ahead." Lily smiled, setting her chopsticks down. She knew that Demi had been wanting to ask her something important.

"It's fine if you don't want to and wanna stay out of the spotlight but do you think I could maybe be open about our relationship? I'm just scared that we will be outed by someone and then have to awkwardly explain." Demi bit her lip as she waited for Lily to respond. She didn't want to force anything on her but she also wanted to be honest about how she felt.

Lily thought for a moment,  considering Demi's words carefully. She knew that Demi had always been somewhat private about her relationships, but she also understood the desire to be open and honest about who you are with the fans. "I trust you, Demi," she finally said, reaching across the table to take Demi's hand in hers. "I'm not afraid of the spotlight, and I'm not ashamed of who I am or who we are together. If you feel comfortable being open about it, then I am too."

"Great, I'll make a post about it now?"

Lily nodded, watching her write a post with pictures of her and Demi throughout the past few months, the caption read:

"These past few months have been such a rollercoaster for me. I'm proud to say I am coming out openly, as Bisexual and have been spending these months with my beautiful girlfriend, Lily. She is everything to me and helped me so much these few months. I love you so much baby ❤️"

And Lily was tagged.

As they finished their lunch, they checked their phones and saw the post had already gained thousands of likes and supportive comments. Demi's fans were excited to see her so happy and finally open about her sexuality. Lily felt a warmth spread through her chest as she read the comments, many of them thanking her for helping Demi and showing her support as well.

After lunch, they continued their day as normal, walking around the mall and people-watching. They held hands, feeling a newfound sense of freedom and happiness. As the sun began to set, they decided to head home, knowing that they had made a big step together and were ready to face whatever came their way.

"Oh my god look!" Lily was scrolling through twitter to see that the hashtag #RheaRipleyBisexual was trending, and it was all about Demi. Fans were tweeting their support, sharing their stories, and thanking Demi for being so brave. The love and acceptance was overwhelming, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off both of their shoulders. Lily didn't care for the thousands of followers she gained, more so proud for Demi for being so open and being able to be an inspiration to many other people who were in the closet.

Demi just smiled, she was free, no worries, no cares. She could finally be herself and be happy with Lily. The love they had was so pure, so strong, it made her feel invincible. She scrolled through the tweets, reading each and every one of them, tears streaming down her face. She was so grateful for all of the support and kind words. It made her heart swell with joy.

Lily felt a sense of pride welling up inside her as she read through the tweets as well. She couldn't believe how many people were reaching out to Demi, telling her their own stories of coming out and struggling with their sexuality. It was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. She leaned over and kissed Demi's cheek, her hand gently rubbing her back.

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