Chapter 24 - This empty Building has potential.

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For weeks, Lily and Demi talked about possibly opening a Wrestling club together to give kids a chance of perusing their passion for wrestling, the same opportunities the girls had when they were 17.

Demi and Lily stood outside the dilapidated building, their excitement palpable. After months of planning and scraping together every penny they could, they were finally here. This was it. The moment of truth. The moment when their dream of creating a wrestling club for teens like them could finally become a reality. As they approached the door, Demi couldn't help but marvel at the faded sign that hung above it. It was perfect. It had just the right amount of grit and edge to it. Lily struggled to walk, as she was now 8 months pregnant, but Demi was there to support her.

The inside of the building was even more run-down than they had expected. Peeling paint, cracked floor tiles, and a general air of neglect hung heavy in the stale air. But Lily and Demi didn't see any of that. They saw potential. They saw a blank canvas just waiting to be transformed into a place where dreams could come true. They began to plan out the layout, discussing where the wrestling mats should go, how many lockers they would need, and what kind of equipment they would need to purchase. The price of the building and equipment was nothing compared the the money Demi was making from WWE.

As they stood there, lost in their daydreams, Lily's phone vibrated. She glanced down at the screen and saw a message from her doctor. Her appointment was the next day, and the doctor wanted to do some more tests. Lily's heart skipped a beat. She didn't want to worry Demi, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something might be wrong.

The next day, Lily went to her appointment. She was still nervous, but she tried to remain positive. The doctor confirmed that everything was fine with the baby, but there were some irregularities in Lily's blood work. They wanted to run some more tests to make sure there weren't any complications. Lily felt a mixture of relief and dread. She didn't want anything to go wrong, especially not now, when they were so close to realising their dream. Demi was by her side throughout the full day of tests, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement.

The day before, Demi had agreed to buy the building in full, but they decided to wait until after Lily gives birth to their baby boy before officially transferring the building into their names. It was a risky move, but they were determined to make it work. In the meantime, they would continue to make payments on the building and keep up with the necessary maintenance.

The next day, Demi woke up with a new sense of determination. She knew that they could still make this happen, no matter what obstacles came their way. She contacted some of her old friends who were in construction to see if they could help with the renovations. Demi promised them a good pay and made sure they knew how much their help would mean to her and Lily. To her surprise, they all agreed to help out.

Lily was thinking about the possibility of owning a wrestling club with Demi and she loved the idea. The two of them had known each other since they were 17 and they had been through a lot together. They had always supported each other in their wrestling careers and now they wanted to give back to the community by starting a club for teens who shared their passion.

As Demi worked on getting the building ready, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they were about to accomplish. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she also knew that they could do it. She envisioned a bright future for the wrestling club, where kids from all walks of life would come together and learn valuable lessons about teamwork, discipline, and determination. She wanted to create a safe space where they could pursue their dreams and be the best versions of themselves.

Demi decided to hire a local artist to create a mural on one of the walls, something that would represent the spirit of the club and inspire the members for years to come. She wanted to make sure that the club wasn't just another ordinary place, but rather a symbol of hope and possibility for the next generation of wrestlers. As the artist began to work on the mural, Demi couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat. She was so grateful for this opportunity to give back and make a difference in the lives of others.

As the renovations continued, Demi began to think about the kind of programs they would offer at the club. She wanted to create a well-rounded experience for the members, not just focusing on wrestling, but also on character development, leadership skills, and academic support. She knew that being a successful wrestler wasn't just about having talent; it was also about having discipline and determination.

One day, while walking through the nearly completed building, Demi stumbled upon a flyer for a local summer camp that focused on personal development through sports. Intrigued, she decided to reach out to the organizers and propose a partnership. To her surprise, they were more than receptive to the idea. They saw the value in combining their programs with the wrestling club's, and they were excited about the prospect of reaching a new audience.

But before all of this was the birth. The company acknowledged this was a risk, waiting a few months before they joined together, but they were willing to take the chance. It was a testament to their faith in Lily and Demi's abilities. They promised to support them in every way they could.

Demi posted online about the chance to work at this new wrestling club when it opens. But the requirements were that you had to be, in some way, experienced in training or being a referee in small wrestling events. Many people contacted her, who were local and she slowly grown a little community of upcoming workers in her new company, promising to pay them well.

She knew it'd be hard to maintain a company while also working a successful WWE Career and just a month away from being a parent, but she was ready to face the challenges coming up.

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