Chapter 10 - Long Distance.

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The day finally came, the last day Demi is in Australia before she has to go back to the states for WWE. She couldn't help but feel a little sad as she drove to her parents house. It had been an amazing week spent here, and she was going to miss her family and friends dearly. When she arrived at their house, her parents were already there, waiting for her with open arms. They hugged her tightly, tears welling up in their eyes, and Demi couldn't help but feel a lump form in her throat as well.

"We're going to miss you so much, sweetie," her mom said, pulling away to look at her. "But we're so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. You're going to do even more great things."

Demi smiled, feeling a little better. "Thanks, Mom. I'm gonna miss you guys too, but I promise I'll call more often, okay?" Her father nodded, his eyes glistening with tears.

Meanwhile, Lily had let Demi go on her own as she wanted Demi to spend some time with her family, alone. She knew how important family was to Demi and didn't want to get in the way of that. So, Lily decided to go to the beach by herself, enjoying the sun and the waves, trying to forget about how much she was going to miss Demi when she left.

She had just finished a refreshing swim when she spotted a group of kids playing in the water, laughing and splashing each other. It reminded her of when she was young, spending summers at the beach with her siblings and cousins. She couldn't help but smile as she watched them, feeling a pang of nostalgia in her chest.

Lily sighed, thinking about how much fun they used to have together. But then she remembered all the fights and arguments they'd had too, and how they had grown apart over the years. It made her feel a little sad, but she also knew that sometimes things just happened, and people changed.

She decided to put on her beach cover-up and head over to a nearby cafe for a drink, hoping to distract herself from her thoughts. As she walked along the boardwalk, she couldn't help but notice a small kiosk selling homemade jewelry. Something about it caught her eye, and she found herself drawn to it.

The woman behind the counter smiled at her and asked if she needed any help. Lily smiled back, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I'm just admiring your work, really. It's beautiful."

"Why, thank you," the woman replied, blushing slightly. "My name is Amelia. These are all handmade by me and my daughter. We love to create something unique for each customer."

Lily looked at the jewelry more closely, admiring the intricate designs and the beautiful craftsmanship. She spotted two necklaces with the initials "D" and "L" on them, and something about them felt special. She picked them up, wondering if they were meant to be a sign of some sort.

She turned to Amelia and explained her thoughts, telling her about her new girlfriend, Demi, and how much she meant to her. Amelia smiled, understanding the significance of the moment. "You know, my daughter and I made those specifically with someone like you in mind. We believe in the power of love and connection, and we wanted to create something that would symbolize that."

Lily felt a lump form in her throat as she heard Amelia's words. She took out her wallet and paid for the necklaces, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest. As she left the kiosk, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the encounter. It was almost as if fate had led her there, guiding her hand to choose those particular necklaces.

She decided to save them as a surprise for Demi, giving them to her when she returned from her parents house. The thought of being apart for so long was already difficult enough, but knowing that they would always have these necklaces as a reminder of their love made it just a little bit easier.

As Lily waited for Demi, she couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like without her. They had only been together for a few days, but it felt like they had been together with each other for much longer. Their connection was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and she didn't want to imagine her life without it.

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