Chapter 30 - We've Made It.

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A few years pass and it's Leo's first day of school, a bittersweet moment for both Demi and Lily. They stand outside the classroom, holding hands as they watch their little boy walk inside, his backpack bouncing along with every step. They exchange a nervous smile, reassuring each other that they'll be there for him every step of the way.

As they head home, they decide to go to the park, the same one they used to frequent when Leo was a toddler. They spread out a blanket and lay down, watching the clouds float by and listening to the birds chirp. It's a peaceful moment, one that reminds them of how far they've come and how much they've grown together as a family.

The next day, they return to the Wrestling Club, eager to share their stories of Leo's first day of school with the other children. They work even harder now, determined to make sure that every child feels loved, supported, and encouraged. They teach the children not only about wrestling but also about life: about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of never giving up.

As the weeks turn into months, Demi and Lily continue to nurture their bond with Leo while also fostering a strong sense of community within the Wrestling Club. They become mentors to the younger children, guiding them through their own journeys of self-discovery and growth. They share stories of their own childhoods, both the highs and the lows, and how those experiences have shaped them into the women they are today.

The Wrestling Club becomes more than just a place to learn wrestling; it becomes a safe haven for children from all walks of life to come together, to build friendships, and to discover their own unique strengths. Under Demi and Lily's watchful eyes, the children learn not only how to wrestle but also how to support one another, how to persevere through adversity, and how to embrace their individuality.

All the children left for the day and the girls had half an hour to themselves, sitting on the edge of the ring, watching the last rays of sunlight cast long shadows across the mat. They had achieved their goal, built up the club from nothing, and now it was time to focus on their own lives, their own family. As they sat there, lost in thought, they couldn't help but remember how different things had been for them when they were younger.

Demi had always been the more outgoing of the two, always the one to start conversations and make friends easily. Lily, on the other hand, had been more reserved, preferring to watch from the sidelines and observe before she engaged. It was no different when they were growing up; Demi had had a group of close friends, while Lily had mostly kept to herself. They both had their own struggles, their own secrets.

They remembered how Demi had been the one to convince Lily to come to the wrestling club when they were younger. At first, Lily had been hesitant, unsure if she belonged there. But as she watched the other girls wrestle, she felt a sense of belonging that she hadn't experienced anywhere else. It didn't take long for Lily to fall in love with the sport, and soon she was wrestling just as fiercely as Demi.

"I really do miss the old wrestling club in Australia. All the fun we had when we were 17, it was like we were invincible, untouchable. We had no real responsibilities then, did we? We could just focus on ourselves and our training. It's different now, of course. With Leo and the club, we have a lot more on our plates. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Seeing the other kids grow, learn, and become the best versions of themselves, that's what it's all about. Isn't it, Lily?"

Demi's voice drifted off, her eyes distant as she remembered the past. Lily smiled softly, taking her hand. "It is, Demi. And I'm so proud of you. You've become this amazing mother, this incredible wrestling coach. You've inspired so many kids, just like you were inspired by your own coaches. It's amazing to see how far you've come."

The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. A cool breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the faint scent of autumn. As they sat there, lost in thought, they couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over them. They had come a long way since their days at the wrestling club in Australia, but now they had their own Club, just like the good old days.

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