Picnic At Hanging Dork (2/2)

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As the hours passed by to sundown, Silas and Mateo were riding their emu together, while engaging in conversation as the skies began getting darker, as it was almost night time.

"So how much longer do you think it'll be until we get to Hanging Rock?" Silas asked Mateo.

"By my guess, probably about another day or so." Mateo said to Silas. "It's a good thing I smuggled a few snacks and drinks from the plane into my backpack just in case, including some of those cookies you gave to me and my team."

"Yeah, it's always best to be prepared..." Silas said as he then started to yawn.

"You getting tired?" Mateo asked as he turned to Silas.

"A little, between taking this long journey by emu and not having much to do, it can really start to make someone tired." Silas said as he felt himself becoming tired and rubbing his eyes.

Mateo then started to yawn too. "To be honest, I'm starting to get sleepy too." Mateo said as he rubbed his eyes. "Maybe we should stop and set up camp here, then we can continue in the morning."

"Alright then." Silas said as he agreed, then noticed a nearby Mulga tree with a few rocks. "How about we set it up over there next to that tree?"

"Sounds good to me." Mateo said as he steered the emu over to the tree, he and Silas got off its back and set up camp there.

While they didn't have a tent or sleeping bags, they still were able to find a bit of wood to make a fire, that was then lit by Mateo using two rocks to ignite a spark. Mateo then blew a bit of air onto the fire and a campfire was then formed.

"There we go, one campfire done." Mateo said as he and Silas sat down on the ground and Mateo offered Silas a marshmallow on a stick. "Marshmallow?"

"Don't mind if I do." Silas said as he took the stick and roasted the marshmallow over the fire, soon as the marshmallow began to turn brown, Silas then moved the marshmallow away from the fire, blew on it to cool it down and ate it.

As Silas was eating, Mateo couldn't help but noticed Silas's eyes as they were glowing next to the fire, while he has seen him without his shades before and didn't mind, this time however, he felt like he was seeing a galaxy of stars inside Silas's eyes, where the light from the fire acted as the sun, which made it ever the more beautiful, making Mateo blush a little.

Silas noticed Mateo starting to stare at him, which made him feel confused. "What?" Silas asked as he was confused by Mateo staring at him.

Mateo noticed Silas which made him snap out of him staring and looked away while trying to hide his blush. "Sorry, I know that I've seen you without your sunglasses, but..." Mateo said as he then looked at Silas with a sweet smile. "Whenever I see them, I just can't stop staring at them and see how pretty they are..."

This made Silas blush at Mateo's compliment about his eyes, sure he's gotten compliments about his eyes from some of his friends and family, and even from Mateo, but it made his heart putter patter whenever he heard those kind, soothing words.

"Wow I...Thank you..." Silas said as he smiled and felt himself blushing, but tried his best to hide it and look away. "S-Sorry, I know I've heard you compliment about my eyes before, but...I still can't stop myself from knowing how to react whenever I hear it..."

"It's alright." Mateo said with a smile.


"At first when I came onto the show, I've been contempt on keeping my eyes covered due to stage fright and so my sister wouldn't reveal my secret if I didn't listen to her orders...or so that Vincent doesn't leave me if he found out the truth." Silas said as he then smiled. "But with Mateo, I don't have to be afraid on hiding...with him...it feels as though I found someone who cares for me, just the way I am...I probably should've listen to Lauren all along instead of clinging onto someone who didn't love me in the first place."

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