Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I woke up to my alarm screeching in my ear. I hate Monday's so much. I was so glad I didn't drink last night otherwise I would've been so hungover. I looked over at the clock, it read 7:28am. Omg too early.

I shot out of bed and into the shower. I stepped out, my mirror all fogged up by the steam. I wiped the fog away so I could see myself. I brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom to get changed.

I grabbed my bag and phone and walked out of my lodger remembering to lock the door behind me.

I looked at my timetable to see what I had first. Double Chemistry. I sighed running a hand through my hair and started to drag my feet towards the science dep. This day was going to be so long.


"Wake up!!!!" I heard someone screaming in my ear.

I just groaned and pulled the bed covers over me.

"Harry wake up. We have an interview and Paul wants to talk to you." A much gentler voice said.

I rustled under my bed more. A force pushed me off of the bed, my skin coming in contact with the cold floor. I sighed and stood up. I walked over to the bathroom door, rubbing my arm. I stopped at the door and turned around, giving each of the boys death glares.

I walked in the bathroom an turned on the shower.

"You have 15 minutes." I heard a faint voice call from behind the door.

I got out the shower and was changed in 10 minutes. I skipped down the stairs where everyone was siting in the living room waiting for me. No one knew I was there excepted for Paul who looked up at me.

"Let's go." He shouted rounding up the boys. He shoved us trough the door and into the limo.

"Oh look champagne." Louis exclaimed picking up the bottle.

He was struggling to open it. We all started to laugh at him.

"Louis Tomlinson, be sensible. We don't want you drunk for the interview." Liam pointed out.

Liam tried to take away the bottle but it ended up as a tug of war game. When Liam had finally taken the bottle, Louis crossed his arms and pouted like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

"No fair."

We all just burst out laughing. He is such a child.

"We are here." Paul said.

We all got out one by one, me being last.

As I walked up to the dressing room I felt a cold hand on my shoulder pull me back.

"Harry please can we talk?" Paul asked while smiling.

What did I do wrong now? But he was smiling. Maybe I did something right for a change. Way to go Harry.

He dragged me into a room where the rest of management where siting. They were all smiling like they had just won the lottery.

What did they want talk to me about?


We all ran to the dressing room acting like monkey's. Don't ask me, it was the Irish's idea.

Niall wanted to to barge into the dressing room acting like monkey'a because he thought it would be fun. All of us just laughed at him like he had lost his mind. But then I thought it could be fun so I got the lads to agree and now here we are in the corridors acting like monkey's.

We barged into the dressing room acting like monkey's (like Niall wanted).

"What are you doing?" Lou asked standing in front of us with her hands on her hips.

"Niall's idea, don't blame me." I pointed to Niall and he just shrugged.

"Okay, that explains everything." She sarcastically spoke. We all just rolled our eyes.

"So where is Harry?" Lou asked looking around the room.

"I have no idea. Paul wanted to talk to him." I replied.

"He has been gone for a while." Zayn pointed out.

"Zayn you are coming with me to go on a Harry hunt." I shouted and pulled Zayn by the arm. He tried to protest but I was just way to strong. He just sighed and went a long with it.

We wondered the halls aimlessly for about 5 minutes until I heard muffled voiced coming from a door next to me.

"Maybe he's in here." I whispered grabbing Zayn next to the door.

His hand hovered over the door knob but I slapped it away.

He looked at me with confused in his eyes.

"What did you do that for?" He whispered with a hint of anger.

"Let's listen. If management didn't want to Harry something privately they would have told all of us. I know I shouldn't say this but it could be fun." I whispered quietly. If that even makes sense.

"We can just ask Harry later what they said to him." Zayn stated.

"Management would have told him not to tell us otherwise they would have told all of us together." I whispered in a 'duh' way.

Zayn just nodded as we pressed our ears gently to the door listening in.

"..I...umm..." It sounded like Harry was very hesitant about saying something.

After a little silence Harry spoke again.

"I-I'll do i-it, but only if she will never ever ever finds out I agreed."

"Yes, he is in. Don't worry no one will find out. Just between us." One of the management people said.

I then heard rustling and chairs being moved so I think they were coming out.

Zayn had already read my mind as he was walking away.

I took my ear from the and quietly ran to Zayn who was half way down the corridor already.

"What do you think they were talking about?" I asked Zayn tapping him on the shoulder.

"I don't know. I think it is something personal so I am forgetting about it. If Harry wants to tell us he can. We shouldn't have done that Louis." He shrugged of my hand and walked faster.

I stopped when I heard the door opening. I turned around to see Harry walking out of the door.

I started slowly walking towards him acting as though I was looking for him.

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