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Silence reigns in the room after the grandfather's announcement, Chan looks at his brother and then at his eldest, and his heart wants to give out. He panics, and Seungcheol feels it so powerfully that he takes one of Chan's hands between his own and makes the young prince rest his head on his shoulder.

" Grandpa, what am I going to do ? "

" Jihoon, my child. Don't you want to keep your little brother with you ? "

" It's not that I don't want to it's that my studio is already small for me, so..."

" What about Seokmin ? "

" He prefers his girlfriend. No, I'm kidding, he love us, but sometimes it's horrible to be the third wheel between them. Believe me, Grandpa. "

" Chan-ah, what can I do to protect you. I don't want to lose all my grandsons because of these horrible humans. "

" You have..." Begins Chan

" I didn't raise my son like that, I've always been the most irreproachable father possible to him, I just can't understand why he's behaving so disgustingly towards you."

" Maybe because of Mom ? She always wanted to have only daughters and a son interested in the royal world. But we're all in the music business, so she's probably frustrated."

" Chan, don't make excuses for her, she's not a mother, she's an irresponsible mother. "

Chan sighs and his big brother comes to take him in his arms, obviously the youngest who had his head on Seungcheol's shoulder now puts his head on Jihoon's shoulder, but he leaves his hand between Prince Choi's, and from stress he lets his tears run down his cheeks.

" Don't cry Chan... I beg you, I hate to see you cry."

" I'm so stressed hyung, it's just impossible for me, how can I do it ? "

" Chan.."

Seungcheol swallows, thinks about what he can do, then finally sees only one possible and imaginable solution, and that's to protect him. He knows his parents won't want to help Chan, but he's not his parents.

" Chan, What if I came to your aid ? "

" Prince Choi, your mother and father will never let you."

" Soon-ah, they don't have to know, I know Jeonghan will cover for us, he can easily hide it in one of the guards' rooms. His own, for instance."

" Do you think it's a good idea, are you sure they'll ever figure it out ? Don't put my brother in any more danger than he already is."

" I promise you Jihoon that I'll protect him with all my soul and Jeonghan will do the same."

" I hope it works out, thank you very much Prince Choi."

The prince comes over and gently pats Jihoon's shoulder to support him and to show him that he'll do anything for Chan, Soonyoung for his part also tells Jihoon and Chan that he'll protect him with all his soul, the youngest feels safe, he feels like he's finally a little loved and appreciated by people other than his brothers and grandfather.

Seungcheol continues to pat Chan on the back and decides to call everyone back, the black-haired boy calls his friends too, and within a few minutes everyone comes back and the grandfather explains the situation again, Jeonghan is clearly upset, fortunately Joshua is by his side to calm him down.

Obviously, Seungcheol's plan is set in motion, and that very evening Chan moves to the Choi kingdom, where he'll be protected by everyone and live with Jeonghan and Joshua, in the right-hand part of the castle, i.e. with the guards.

The prince will be checking on Chan all the time, as his concern for the young man is so great that he needs to know every day that the young prince is well and safe.

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