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Caroline Forbes sits on the floor beside her be, hands shaking and tears in her eyes. A red headed woman kneels down in front of her taking her hands in hers lifting them to her lips

Echo: You're going to fine, darling

The blonde looks up at the woman who only she can see then glances away

Caroline: Why did this happen to me?

Echo: Shush, darling. It's all going to be okay

Matt knocks on the door downstairs

Matt: Caroline?

He calls her on her phone but she doesn't answer so he leaves a message.

Matt: Hey, I thought you said you were at home. Tyler is doing this whole thing at the swimming hole and I want us to spend the day together. Where are you? Call me.

He hangs up and walks away. Caroline lowers her head and sighs

Caroline: Am I going to be like this forever?

Echo: You will get a daylight ring. The Bennett witch will make you one, my darling

She leans closer placing her hand on her leg, Caroline shivers feeling a cold touch but lifts her head up and looks at her.

Caroline: Why do I always see you? Why am I the only one who can?

Echo: Because you're special, that's why, darling.

She leans in closer pressing her lips to the blonde haired beauty's forehead, Caroline feels a cold but also warm feeling at her touch.

Echo: You will see me in your dreams

Caroline: I'll see you in my dreams, Echo.


Elena is packing for her trip to Duke while a blonde hair beauty lays on her back on top of her bed dangling her leg in the air, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

Stefan: Are you sure you want to do this?

Elena: Which part? Digging through my birth mother's life work or going to Duke with Damon?

Stefan: Either, both.

Elena: Well, I'm not sure about the first part but then again Ric is a good buffer so we can bond in our anti-Damon solidarity. I wish you were coming though.

Stefan: You know what? Maybe we should wait a couple days, huh? Wait until Caroline is less of a danger and then I could go with you.

Elena: It's okay that I'm going, right? And be honest because if it's not then I can just stay here and we can take care of Caroline.

Stefan: Listen, I want you to go okay? I do. You have questions about your lineage and about Katherine and...look I'm not gonna let the fact that Damon is going keep you from an opportunity to get some answers.

Elena: You hate it though.

Stefan: I hate it

I hate you though

Elena looks over Stefan's shoulder towards the bed, Stefan frowns turning back towards the bed but doesn't seen anyone.


Bonnie, Caroline and Stefan are in Caroline's bedroom. Bonnie has Emily's grimoire in her hands. Caroline has the ring in her hands.

Caroline: So, I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?

Caroline and Elena; The SoulmatesWhere stories live. Discover now