Chapter Two:

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James stood with wide eyes as Regulus stared at him with his arms crossed. James tried to say something out loud that wouldn't make him sound like a creep but he couldn't think of anything, he hadn't expected Regulus to be standing there, he was hoping he could've made a smoother entrance.

"I just wanted to apologise and thank you" James smiled,

"An apology and a thank you? For what?"

"I wanted to apologise for what happened at breakfast and then thank you for telling McGonagall I was helping you, she probably wouldn't have let me come if you hadn't"

"You're welcome. For the record, there is no way she actually believed me. As for the first one I'm confused as to what you're apologising for?"

"You looked at me and I kind of...spat, like all over my shirt"

"Yes, it was rather embarrassing, not on my end though"

"You weren't grossed out? I thought maybe..."

"You overthink things, it wasn't pleasant to watch but, no, my general opinion of you hasn't changed because of that minor incident"

"What's your opinion of me?" James was now genuinely curious as to what Regulus thought of him, Regulus took pride in people finding it difficult to read his emotions so James was interested to see what Regulus really had to say.

"Loud, oblivious, annoying"

James frowned, partially disappointed. Regulus looked at him with curiosity and confusion as to why James would care for his opinion,

"I suppose also friendly, social and rather..."Regulus wanted to finish that sentence with 'attractive' but strongly held that back once he saw the beams of joy in James' eyes.


"Rather rubbish at quidditch" Regulus slyly smiled and James put a hand on his chest offended, laughing though when he saw Regulus turn his face away to hide the smile that was tugging at his lips.

"Well then, we'll see about that tonight"

Regulus hummed a 'yes' in response, "I hope you don't mind second place" Regulus winked and left James standing alone, jaw dropped at the radiating confidence and ridiculously high audacity Regulus possessed.

Regulus left the store with a smile on his face but just as he turned the corner he ran into Sirius, quite literally as they both went stumbling back. The two stared blankly at eachother and then quickly apologised before swiftly walking in different directions, Sirius turned back and watched Regulus begin to disappear into the busy street but before Regulus could leave Sirius blurted out his name.

Regulus froze, closing his eyes and straightening his shoulders as he heard his brother call his name. Regulus turned slowly and took deep breaths as he began to walk towards Sirius, Sirius' breath quickening as his brother approached, as usual not actually having a plan as to what he was going to say.

Regulus stared at Sirius.

Sirius stared at Regulus.

"After quidditch tonight, some of us are coming back to Hogsmeade for drinks. Would you like to come?" Sirius tried his best to keep eye contact but found himself looking down at his rings nervously.

Regulus stayed silent, this might have been the first "proper" conversation he'd had with his brother since he decided to leave.


"You can bring your friends if that makes you feel more comfortable! I think Marlene might enjoy some Slytherin company too" Sirius smiled at the ground and then at Regulus hopefully, Regulus couldn't help but smile back, Dorcas and Marlene thought they were sneaky...they weren't.

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