Chapter Six:

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Regulus got ready in his room, he walked out into the living space but couldn't see or hear McGonagal, he noticed a little piece of parchment left on the dining table.

Good Morning Mr Black,
I haven't left you don't worry, I simply have early starts and as a teacher are required to see Dumbledore each morning for daily reports. If you need me I'm most likely in my classroom or giving your brother detention... let's hope it's the first one.

Regulus laughed, he felt something under the piece of paper, a small key that had the same 'M' on it like the one engraved on McGonagal's door. It was a key for him, so he could come and go if he needed. He continued opening the parchment.

Now this isn't an invitation to invite your friends over for a party when I'm not there, but it is for you if things are feeling too much and you need a moment to yourself. I'll see you tonight dear.

Remember you are loved and protected Regulus,
- M

Regulus knew he'd be safe with McGonagal, he'd have the Slytherin common room on weekdays with his friends and then his room here with her on weekends. He would be safe, he was with people who could keep him safe.

Sirius waited out the front of the potions classroom, watching each student come out, hoping it would be Regulus. Sirius looked into the classroom and realized there was no one there, he was beginning to worry, Regulus hadn't been one to skip classes.

"Hello Sirius"

Sirius turned around and saw Regulus staring at him, his nails digging into his palms, something he did when he was nervous. Sirius stood in front of Regulus, wanting to say something to him but instead Regulus said,

"Walk with me?"

The two brothers walked down the hill and began walking around the black lake together, they stayed in silence and took in the tranquility around them until Sirius couldn't help but speak up.

"Why didn't you come last night? What was the letter about?"

Regulus sighed, "I couldn't do it Sirius I'm sorry"

"No! Don't be. I just, want to know if there's a reason why, I was worried when you didn't show for potions"

"How did you know I wasn't in class?"

"James. He's in potions with you, he sent me a paper bird that said you hadn't shown, that he'd keep an eye out" Sirius smiled, he had freaked out at first when the origami bird came flying towards him before he realized the light glow around it, James' terrible hand writing scribbled on the paper.

Regulus looked guiltily at the ground, "is James, you know...upset with me?"

"No, no of course not Reggie-" Sirius froze, he had to keep reminding himself that even if his brother was here now, that didn't mean the past hadn't happened.

"It's alright" Regulus could see Sirius freaking out about nicknaming him in that tone for the first time in a long time, "I go for walks in the forbidden forest after quidditch training, maybe we can make that a thing we do together Siri..."

Sirius smiled, hearing Regulus call him 'Siri' made flashes of his childhood appear. When Regulus was little he struggled to say Sirius' name properly so he would call him Siri, calling out as he tried his best to keep up with Sirius as they played with Kreature in the garden or out of his cot in the middle of the night when he'd had a nightmare. One of the few memories from that place Sirius kept sacred to him.

"Yeah I'd like that"

Regulus nodded and eventually after a couple of smokes, the two arrived back at the staircase to the castle, Regulus and Sirius spoke about a lot that needed to be heard, on both of their sides, Regulus didn't tell Sirius the whole truth but enough for them to be able to work together. Like McGonagal had said, baby steps.

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