Chapter Eight:

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James sat in the Great Hall with his friends, everyone chatting amongst themselves at breakfast while waiting in anticipation for the green light they could go to Hogsmeade. Everyone paused when Dumbledore came up to the podium and demanded everyone's attention,

"Good morning young witches and wizards, I hope the night has been good to you and you are feeling refreshed for your classes today. Hopefully you won't have to listen long and I can let you all get back to your breakfast but first, I have something to tell you all."

James spotted Regulus from the other side of the room, he was sitting in his elegant poise as usual but something was off. Regulus was staring at Snape, cautiously eyeing him before looking back up at the headmaster.

"It has come to my attention that there may be students using magic in the school with ill intent. I hope this will be my first, and last reminder, to all students about banned magic and the consequences that will follow if you are found to be using magic to harm others around you."

Dumbledore stared for a moment at each and every single one of the students in the room through his glasses before people began looking around with concern. He straightened his shoulders and lifted his head,

"Madam Pomfrey will now be teaching night classes if you wish to attend and learn more about basic mending spells and techniques. There has been no need for concern just yet, however if you do know of someone using forbidden spells, I will say now that it is ill advised to keep that information from myself or your fellow teachers..."

Murmurs began to spread and for a split second Regulus and James looked at each other, James was looking for reassurance but Regulus was gesturing to him that they needed to speak. James looked concerned before putting on a fake smile when he noticed Lily staring at him with confusion and skepticism.

"Thank you for listening. I hope this is the last we have to speak of this matter. I hope you enjoy the rest of your classes, and to the students attending Hogsmeade today, please remember to stay warm even if the snow is fun" Dumbledore smiled, mostly to make the end of his speech seem nicer to the first years listening as the little wizards and witches started talking about when they'd get to go to Hogsmeade.

Everyone finished breakfast and began heading out to the courtyard where McGonagal was waiting to do a headcount before everyone left to go about their days. Once the count was over, everyone made their way towards Hogsmeade and James managed to slip away from the group to meet Regulus.

James and Regulus walked in peace for a while, they had taken a side path through the trees that still went to Hogsmeade, but it was more private. James could tell there was something bothering Regulus, he thought it might have been about their conversation before James was hurt.

"Look, I understand if you want this to stop. Don't feel like you have to stay just because I went through something"

Regulus looked up with wide eyes, "no that's not what's wrong James! I...shouldn't have said that stuff because I do want, whatever this is?"

James laughed as Regulus looked away, not fully knowing what to say when it came to these types of emotions. James noticed there was still something on Regulus' mind though.

"What's up? You've been looking worried all morning" James smiled reassuringly and Regulus looked at him cautiously before proceeding.

"I don't know why, but I have this feeling, this feeling Snape had something to do with what happened to you"

James looked shocked, "I mean the guys an asshole Reg but you think he'd actually hurt me?"

"He keeps bringing up our relationship in the common room, I deflect each time with a witty comment of course, but there's something about the way he speaks"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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