Chapter Seven:

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James opened his eyes and looked around the peaceful room, he felt like he had a hangover but also like he'd been knocked out. He went to sit up when he saw Regulus holding his hand, his head laid down on the couch next to James.

James smiled and stroked Regulus' hair, moving it out of his eyes, being careful not to wake him. Not long after he woke, McGonagal was standing in the room with Professor Dumbledore. James looked up confused, slowly nudging Regulus who looked up smiling at James before realizing there was an audience.

"Hello professors"

"Good evening Mr Potter, Mr Black"

"Evening?" James looked at Regulus, who was beginning to sit up onto the couch.

"You slept a long time, since yesterday actually but you needed it though"

James nodded, "in that case, evening professor"

McGonagal smiled, she came over and sat on the little matching sofa seat opposite James. James tried answering her questions but it was clear he was even more confused than Regulus. Dumbledore looked at James skeptical.

"Are you sure you haven't just had something interesting to drink, making mischief with Professor Slughorn's potions again?"

McGonagal looked offended as to what Albus might've been implying. She didn't believe James was lying or faking anything, she had seen Regulus' face, she had felt the pain she had taken away from James. It was real.

"Sir with all due respect, I know what I felt" James looked up, he had felt like hell, not a bit queasy from a bad potion.

"With all disrespect, what are you implying?" Regulus looked up at the headmaster equally as offended as McGonagal, he knew James was an idiot and a drama queen, but not like this, whatever happened to him was real pain and he wanted answers.

"I'm not implying anything Mr Black, however even Mr Potter knows that he often learns the consequences of his actions the hard way. I just want to be sure before we make any rash judgments"

Regulus went to speak before McGonagal waved her hand gently at him to stay quiet, but stood up and began to lead Dumbledore out of the room.

"I think this discussion can wait for the morning, we'll get Mr Potter to bed and Regulus you as well. We are of course still at school, even if it's a Hogsmeade day tomorrow"

"Minerva we will speak in the morning about Mr Potter's state, for now please have his friends keep an eye on him"

Regulus and McGonagal took James back to the Gryffindor common room, as they opened the portrait and walked in, James saw all his friends sitting on the couch waiting impatiently. They sighed with relief when they saw him and Sirius came running over to James and his brother.

"We heard what happened mate, are you ok?" Remus checked James' face who smiled and moved Remus' hands back down.

"I'm alright, Regulus and Professor McGonagal have been looking after me and Dumbledore is looking into what happened"

"I made your bed and got you a hot water bottle, the one with the golden snitches on it" Peter came over and gave James a hug, when the boys had overheard James was been monitored by the teachers they had panicked.

"Thanks Pete" James turned and thanked McGonagal before awkwardly moving back and forth with Regulus as he attempted to go in for a hug, "and thank you Regulus".

Regulus nodded and began to leave with McGonagal, Sirius came over and quickly took Regulus' arm,

"Hey Reggie, you alright? I heard it was intense for James but did anything happen to you?"

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