Chapter Three:

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James lay on the old wooden floorboards that covered the base of the astronomy tower, he had pulled back the large glass window so that he could see the stars.

James closed his eyes and began humming to himself, he thought if he distracted himself by coming here then the thoughts of Regulus might fade but every time he closed his eyes that's all he could envision, Regulus' storm cloud eyes staring back at him as their hands connected, the world around them blurring as the only clear thing they could see was each other.

"This is bad" James opened his eyes again, he couldn't believe he was thinking about Regulus like this when Sirius was Regulus' brother. Not to mention Slytherin and Gryffindor relationships weren't exactly historically known for their successes and happy endings.

"You know what's bad? Being late"

James quickly turned around to see Regulus standing there, he was dressed in a casual sweater with a collared shirt underneath, he wore tighter pants and chunky, black shoes with a set of black and silver rings decorating his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" James sat up properly, looking at Regulus in full.

"I was going to hide out here to avoid my brother but now that you're here, I supposed I don't have a choice but to go to your celebration"


"Sirius said you were going to Hogsmeade after the quidditch match?"

"Oh gods fuck me! I completely forgot about that"

"If you insist but it's rather echoey up here"

James started laughing, "shut up that's not what I meant, let's go before we're late! WE are the victors after all"

Regulus scoffed and slowly followed James back down the stairs, "that wasn't a no"

"I know" James grinned and Regulus shifted his sweater down, maybe tonight wasn't going to be so bad.

Regulus and James arrived at the Three Broomsticks to see both teams laughing and dancing, Sirius noticed James and Regulus enter and paused flirting with Remus to go greet them.

"Hey our two star players made it!" he looked to James who did a little twirl and bow, "I'm glad you could make it" that part of the sentence was directed at Regulus, who nodded in response.

"I think I'm going to go sit with my friends"

"Yeah, yeah of course! I'll be here if you need anything" Sirius waved Regulus off and James looked at him with concern.

"Are you ok Pads?"

"I want my brother back James! I'm trying, I really am trying!"

"Ok, calm down. I see that you're trying, well done. Just remember, baby steps"

"Right, baby steps, baby steps"

James smiled happily at Sirius who was taking deep breaths, he really hoped he'd get some type of brotherly bonding tonight but Regulus still seemed, naturally of course, guarded.

James went to grab himself a drink, when he noticed Regulus didn't have one either so he made that two. He also noticed the absence of a particular Gryffindor, James brought the drink over to Regulus who smiled at him gratefully. James lent in closer so he was whispering in Regulus' ear,

"So Marlene is missing"

"Mhm and Dorcas seems to be running late"

"How bizarre"

"How bizarre"

James made his way back to his friends and Pandora watched as Regulus' eyes followed him, she knew something was going to happen tonight but before she could think of anything Evan started talking to her about Barty whilst Barty went to get more drinks.

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