Chapter Four:

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Regulus and James snuck out of the bar, walking back towards the castle in silence, both wanting to say something. James turned and smiled but then realized Regulus wasn't looking at him.

James watched as Regulus struggled to light his cigarette, the wind blowing the fire out each time. James paused, placing his palms around Regulus' own shaky hands and lighting the cigarette for him. Regulus nodded in thanks but kept his gaze away from James.

James lent a little closer so the two were walking side by side as they made their way to the astronomy tower, James catching a glimpse of a small smile coming from Regulus.

The two lay down on the old floorboards, looking up at the stars and watching as the smoke from Regulus' cigarette floated lazily through the air. James turned his head, looking at Regulus who was gazing up at the sky, his porcelain skin bright as the moonlight shone through the roof.

"Is there something you want to say Potter?"

"No, just admiring" James smiled teasingly as he watched Regulus tense up before turning his head and blowing smoke in James' face.

Regulus thought about the evening, from the quidditch match with James to his talk with Sirius, having a slight laugh as he watched James cough the smoke away.

"Does Sirius really want a relationship with me?"

Regulus wasn't sure what it was, but something about James made him feel he could be trusted or at least trusted enough for Regulus to ask this question.

"Oh yeah, you should've heard him when he told me you were going to join us for drinks. He literally bought us all chocolates and butterbeer to celebrate"

Regulus smiled for a second, "I didn't think he wanted to see me again"

"He wants to be your brother Regulus, he just doesn't know how to convey his emotions properly" James laughed and Regulus laughed lightly too,

"Thats nice, I suppose"


Regulus hummed in response, taking a deep inhale as he let the smoke then blow out slowly.

"How did Sirius end up at my house the night he left?"

Regulus stiffened, "why would I know? He's the one who left me."

"I'm not trying to make it personal I just-"

"It sure sounds personal, just leave it James"

"...ok, I'm sorry"

Regulus rolled his eyes, "it's fine I just need- some time, I'll see you tomorrow" Regulus burnt out his cigarette and stood up, beginning to leave.

James continued to lie down, "you coming over for dinner tomorrow?"

Regulus stopped in the archway, "if it's alright with your parents, I'll consider it"

"They're excited to meet you, stay as long as you need"

Regulus smiled but lowered his head before leaving, whispering "goodnight James" as the creek of his footsteps became nothing more than a distant sound to James.

Regulus went to his common room, pouring himself a tea to relax when he felt someone come up and stand next to him.

Regulus raised his eyebrow, snatching the spoon off of the student and stirring the sugar in his tea,

"Can I help you Severus?"

"Well done on your quidditch match today"

"Thank you." Regulus kept a safe distance, he wasn't scared of Snape, I mean who was, but anytime Snape would talk to him he felt uncomfortable.

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