Part 9

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"I hear Ackerman is doing an amazing job," Erwin raised an eyebrow to Levi who glared up at him suspicious."Already passed the rates of most of our elites.

"Just another whining brat, who didn't get dropped on the head as a baby," Levi grumbled.

"A whining brat who you enjoy the company of?" Erwin looked down at Levi with a slight grin, the corner of Levi's mouth twitched.

"She has potential," Levi sighed and began walking down the moonlit deck away from Erwin," one I'm not going to let go to waste."

Erwin stared as Levi turned the corner out of sight, his eyes swirling with concern he whispered,"Don't get too attached."

"Hanji?" Hanji twisted around from her soldiers to face Annie, wide eyed with an innocent smile taped to her face.

"Yes Annie?" She swam towards her still a little sad with the betrayal she just found out about.

"Well since I helped you with the traitors and will fight for you in the up coming war," she paused, "may I be aloud back in Atlanta."

Hanji bit her lip and stared at her.

"Please! I promise I've changed, I would never kill for fun anymore!"

With one final sigh she looked at her and said, "Of course. I can tell that you've learned your lesson."

Annie did a quick spin and began to open the door to walk out," Thank you so much." With that Annie walked out of the room and closed the door and walked down the empty corridor. She let out a giggle and then another then another until she was laughing like a maniac. "Soon I will rule the seven seas, and it's all thanks to you. Mikasa."  

Mikasa was up extremely early that morning, she just roamed around the quiet decks as the sun began to rise, if she had to be honest life as a trainee was quite boring now, all she did was do some easy work that everyone else found hard, excel past everyone else and talk to Levi. Talking with Levi wasn't all that bad, he may be an evil shorty who needs to die but she enjoyed their conversations. Mikasa felt like she finally related to someone and she can relate to the human world. She walked next to the ledge of the ship and stared at the crashing waves, so cruel, but so beautiful. She started to think about home, all her friends. Soon Annie could come back home, she never got along with her, often got into fights, but she still missed her and felt that it wasn't her fault that she started to kill humans, after what happened to Reiner and Bertolt." I wonder how Sasha and Connie are doing," she said aloud.

"Who's Sasha and Connie." Mikasa jumped at the sound of his voice and spun around quickly, it was Levi.

"J-Just some friends," Mikasa stared at him, now that she properly looks at him, he was actually attractive, the way his black tinted hair flowed in the wind, the way his ice blue eyes were dark and mysterious, how they swam with the ghosts of his past, she wondered what happened to make him like this.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Obviously, I don't control your tongue, you can say whatever you want, but I might not answer, you don't control mine."

"What happened in your past?" Levi widened his eyes, he'd never been asked that before, he paused for a moment and turned to her.

"If I tell you, you have to tell me."


"It happened 5 years ago, when I was homeless and poor, I had an adoptive sister called Isabel and a best friend called Farlan. We always stuck together and managed to survive through our teamwork, everything was fine, until one day. Isabel had always dreamed of going to the sea and swimming, one day we happened to pass by this very coast, so we stopped and dived in the water. It was fun for a while, one of the best things in my whole life then Isabel said she felt something touch her leg, we ignored it until a hand grabbed mine and pulled me under. I managed to get a glimpse of who I was fighting, it was 3 mer. One was blonde boy, no older than you, and had a yellow tail, the other was a brunette boy with a green tail and the final, the one grabbing my leg was a girl, but not like the other mermaids, she had long blue tentacles stretching out beneath her, they all had weapons. The yellow tail headed straight towards me with a knife I dodged it and twisted the hand back on him and stabbed him in the eye, killing him. They girl loosened her grip seeing her friend die, I took that as an opportunity and swam to the surface, Isabel and Farlan sat on a rock screaming my name. But I soon saw the shapes move underneath me, but than swam past me, straight to the rock. I-I tried to get up to them quick enough but it was too late she dragged Isabel down under the water. I grabbed the green tail and stabbed him through the heart, and kept swimming to Farlan. H-he jumped in the water after Isabel, he did-nt come back up, only half of his body and Isabel's severed head. I couldn't catch the last mer, the water was-was red with their blood."

Mikasa stared in horror, he was talking about Annie, Reiner and Bertolt, Annie told us that Reiner and Bertolt were hunted down by ruthless mermaid hunters, she... lied. Mikasa noticed how Levi telling this had struck his nerve, he seemed a little more humane than before. 

"So, what about you?" Levi had his cold stare back.

"Well, when I was 9 my parents were murdered, right in front of me, I can still see their bloodied faces in my nightmares, that were going to kidnap me and sell me, but I broke free and ... killed them." This was true but Mikasa just changed the story to a human, the kidnappers were actually mermaid hunter who were going to keep her in a cage and do experiments on her.

"So we both have shitty pasts.

"So it seems."

"Well you should probably go get ready for training, people are starting to get up now," Levi walked off sipping his tea. ' soon you'll be with Isabel and Farlan again,' Mikasa thought, her confidence in her words growing weaker and weaker.

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