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It was midday and Daniel was in his car waiting for his men who were preparing outside for the big blast. Their cars were parked at the end of the Chauhan estate which was full of rice fields and there was a huge mansion in the middle of these fields, the mansion was made up in the style of stairs, making the ground floor bigger and wider than the floors above. The mansion looked ravishing, each floor had a wide balcony with flower pots on the parapet with made it look pleasing for the eyes. Daniel was a businessman who uses violence whenever things don't go his ways and this time it was Mukesh Chauhan who offended him even after signing a secured deal with Daniel 2 years ago.

It was mid summer and the whole Chauhan family was gone for a gathering on the other side of city, the security was kept at minimum as the house was empty, the guards were only at the front gate which was almost half a mile away from mansion. Daniel was officially pissed off at Mukesh because one of the Chauhans' was still denying Daniel the access to the land on which he was planning to build a hotel. The land was jointly owned by four Chauhans', it was a perfect place for Daniel to make a hotel, two years ago Mukesh Chauhan gave Daniel access to the full area and made him sign a deal with him in exchange, despite the deal Chauhan was not taking the matter seriously as it was his relative who was freaking Daniel out.

"Boss, we are done", said K from outside the car. Daniel had named each of his men as per his convience, today D and K were appointed for the work. D and K were almost working for him over a year and both were well acquainted with Daniel's temper that's why they tried to be extra careful.

The plan was to set the mansion on fire in order to remind Chauhans' of his power, this mansion was one of the most precious properties that Chauhan owned, so this can be a big reminder for him. Daniel went out of his car and walked towards the opening of the fence.

He looked towards K and said, "What are we waiting for then?, lets light it up", he smirked.

Daniel was walking on the front with two men right behind him. D had the explosives under his possession, they were walking slowly towards the mansion so that they can't be spotted, unfortunately the beautiful mansion would be turned into ashes after few moments. Daniel had this unsettling feeling as if something off the radar was going to happen but he shrugged it off by thinking that he is just being paranoid.

When they finally reached the garden of the mansion they heard someone giggling, it was coming from the first floor, all three of them stiffened because the house was supposed to be empty as per their resources. K and D were frightened from the core when Daniel glared at them from behind his shoulder, their boss was very unforgiving when it came to carelessness. Before Daniel could utter a word K said, "Boss we are sorry, we didn't knew someone was in there, our resource might have mistaken. Please don't fire us or kill us", and they started to fake cry.

"Shut your mouth before I poke your eyes out", he was fuming from inside, "Now, let's leave, I will deal with you guys later on, what am I gonna do with you useless men".

Daniel again heard some voices, it was probably two girls laughing and running on the balcony, Daniel was standing right below the end of first floor's balcony, just then a girl came running towards the end of the balcony, her one foot was on the parapet and she was facing the other way laughing while reading some texts from a phone in her hand. Daniel guessed that the phone belonged to the other girl who was protesting to get it.

"Oh! I promise I will be there for you till the end, you are the only girl I have ever truly loved, BLEH, he is damn cliche, makes me wanna vomit", the girl on the parapet said while faking disgust. This made Daniel chuckle which got her attention and she turned to face him. Daniel behold the sight of the girl, she was thin with a height of almost 5'6" with cute face and long curly brown hair, she was wearing a long peach frock and a dupatta. She had a confused face with a little bit of frown as who are these men in her backyard she had never seen before, Daniel was completely zoned out, D and K were utterly confused about their boss's behaviour, he was just gawking at a girl continuously. The other girl on the balcony said, "Meera, just give me my phone na, stop bothering me".

On hearing her name Daniel stiffened, the name was quite familiar to him, never in his wildest dreams he thought that he would meet this girl and be tamed by just looking at her once. His insides were crunching, he was for the first time in his life nervous about facing somebody.

"NO KATE", Replied Meera with a funny face just to annoy her friend Kate. Out of frustration Kate charged on Meera because of which she lost her footing and fell from the balcony, Daniel was quick to catch her before she crashes on the ground.

Meera was in Daniels arms in bridal style when she opened her eyes, his one hand was under her knees and the other was under her waist which made her uncomfortable, she took a good look at Daniel and then her expressions changed from anxious to relaxed to angry.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU", She erupted on him.

"Actu-", she cut him off

"I don't care whoever you are, just put me down first", she said

"Well, easy there peaches, I guess I deserve a little bit of praising for saving you"

Meera took hold of his collar and jerked him towards her face, now there faces were some centimetres apart, "Oh mister, I have fallen from these balconies million of times, I would have landed perfectly on the ground, so there is not a chance that I will praise you, LEAVE ME NOW"

Daniel was feeling jittery, he was impressed by her confidence and her vigorous nature, "Nope, trust me I am liking the position we are in right now very much", emphasizing 'very' with a girly tone.

"I will break your legs after you put me down", she glared intensely at him.

Daniel frowned for a second and said, "That gives me another reason to not put you down, moreover I am too strong for your petite frame", he smirked at her which made her extremely furious and she begin to wriggle in his grip, and out of nowhere Daniel said, "Stop moving, you are going to give me a boner".

He knew that he was not very gentleman to any girl but Meera wasn't anyone after all, she was special than the other people he had come across and now he was regretting his words. Now she will think of me as a pervert.

But all his regret washed away when he saw Meera's reaction, she was confused as if she didn't knew what he meant, she looked at him then at the sky as if trying to remember the meaning of the word he just said. This made Daniel grin from ear to ear and he said, "You don't know the meaning of boner", and now he was laughing.

"I...I....know, I know, yessss I know", she was saying it to herself than him.

"I can't believe it, you are damn innocent peaches", he said and kissed the crown of her head taking her off guard.

This was the end of Meera's patience and she punched his nose, the punch was quite effective and Daniel's grip loosened up on her and she took advantage of it and wriggled out of his arms, but Meera was a tough nut and she never took such behaviour lightly. Daniel was rubbing his nose when Meera kicked his shin continuously, it was not that much painful for him but the blows were irritating and to stop Meera, he took hold of her wrist and snaked his left arm around her waist. Their faces were too close, Daniel can clearly feel the fire she was emitting due to rage. They were breathing the same air, the atmosphere was thick and the sexual tension was clearly visible. Daniel tightened his grip around her waist, making their fronts stick together, both of them were breathing heavily.

"This rebellious nature of yours is turning me on peaches".

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