CHAPTER 8: Shake it before I break it

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At a meeting Daniel's phone buzzed, he ignored it, the phone buzzed again, someone was sending him a series of texts. After the meeting was over, he checked his phone and there was a message from an unknown number, he opened it and it says

Unknown: Thanks for the gift.

Unknown: Well I take my thanks back, I deserve it so no gratitude required Mr. Derek.😏

He knew that it was Meera, texting him from the phone which he gifted. He replied with a smile.

Daniel: Of course, and I deserve a kiss too.

He was feeling giddy after he made her kiss him even if it was just a small peck, he loved it. He saved her number and got her reply.

Peaches: I will act as if it never happened.

Daniel: Then you have to act too many times in future, there are many goodbyes and hellos' left in our lifetime.😉

He wanted his days to start with her and end with her too, he wanted her to be part of his family, he wanted Damon to get along with her and have a cute family together.

Peaches: BYE, and believe me I am yelling right now😠.

Daniel: Oops, sorry for giving a trailer of OUR future and believe me I yelled the word 'our' louder than you.

Daniel: How is the scratch?.

Peaches: it's looks cute but not more cute than the last one.

Daniel: you are unbelievable 😂

Peaches: Really, I hate these small scratches, atleast a proper cut would do, these little things are offending my war dignity.

Daniel: what do you mean by war dignity?

Peaches: I fight my own wars against these cruel house mates except Rohan, they irritate me from the core, urgh

Daniel: What's so special about Rohan?

Peaches: We share same thinking, he doesn't scold me for standing on the sofa or playing with the animals instead of that he joins me.

Daniel: He sounds cool just like you, you like animals?

Peaches: I Love animals especially dogs.

Daniel: I will get a dog for you on our wedding anniversary.

Peaches: 😐 I am speechless, I don't know what to say. Bye, Lunch is waiting for me and I have to go for shopping with Kate after that.

Daniel: But I was coming to visit you after office

Peaches: I promised her, I can't delay

Daniel: ☹️ What am I gonna do then?

Peaches: Go and reconcile with Damon, duh!

Daniel: He won't be home till midnight, it's his routine.

Peaches: Then make him come earlier, I am sure he will be happy to sneak out of your ignore-zone.

Daniel: But how?

Peaches: Dumbo, text him

Daniel: I won't text him, I want to surprise him

Peaches: Then make one of your men text him, any alphabet will work🤣

Daniel: Are you making fun of D, K, J, M, N, R, F, H, G and T. Huh!

Peaches: I am not making fun of them, I am making fun of you

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