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Daniel reached home tired, fully exhausted, he had to spend his mental and physical abilities everyday. He looked around the house for his younger brother but he was nowhere in sight, none of the staff members knew his whereabouts. He wanted a secure future for his only family, his brother Damon, but Damon was least interested in business which made Daniel irked. Damon was only in college right now still Daniel wanted him to learn some basics of their livelihood, each time Daniel tried to indulge Damon in work, he would scurry away like a scaredy cat.

He sat on the sofa in the living area waiting for Damon to arrive, almost at 2'O clock a silhouette appeared at the front door, it walked towards the stairs but halted on its way when the lights were suddenly turned on.

Not again, urgh. Damon thought.

Daniel was standing near the bar in his office shirt and pants, his hair was disheveled and their butler had turned on the lights.

"Where were you?, you were supposed to attend a meeting scheduled at 5 in the evening but you didn't show up as per my assistant", Daniel had said similar lines various times before but none of this affects Damon.

"Oh, about that, I went to a club with my friends and you should know brother it was way too much interesting than a meeting, isn't it unbelievable", he had a smug smile on his face which annoyed the hell out of Daniel.

"How many times I have to tell you to be practical about your future but you never listen", his tone was increasing with each word.

"Nah, not interested", he was intentionally poking him.

"WHEN WILL YOU BE INTERESTED THEN?", he yelled at Damon in rage, his eyes were cold as ever and his face was dispassionate.

"EXACTLY WHEN YOU WILL STOP BEING A CONTROLLING DICK", Damon was in no mood of backing off, he hated this side of his brother. Every now and then Daniel scheduled some unimportant meeting and ask Damon to attend them because he knew about Damon's reckless nature. Damon never attends the meeting and they fight about it eventually Daniel stops talking to him and to convince Daniel he have to attend the next meeting.

"I work day and night just to secure our future and you go around like it is already secured", Daniel wanted him to think seriously about it.

"Oh, the work, exactly what is your work, not the one you broadcast in front of the world, the one behind it all", he never liked the inside work including violence and illegal means.

"Whether you like it or not you are destined to be a part of it, you own half of it", Daniel gritted his teeth and his eyes were narrowed.

"You know it's just because of you I am included in this, if it weren't for you I would have left our so-called father's life", water pooled inside his eye but he blinked continuously while staring at the ground to compose himself.

"I am not gonna talk to you until you will take our work, our business seriously", he left for his room which was on the ground floor without looking back, slamming the door loudly.

Next meeting is likely in a month
That's a long time
His silent treatment won't last for that much time
I bet two weeks is his limit

He was convincing himself as he knew how much stubborn Daniel can be. Daniel went to his room and laid straight on the bed without changing his clothes, he took his phone out of his pocket and texted the intrigued girl.

Daniel: Good night peaches

He waited for ten minutes but she didn't replied, keeping the phone on the nightstand sleep overtook him in few minutes.

Daniel woke up at 6 in the morning in the same suit he fell asleep in. His clothes were disheveled and he searched for his phone on the nightstand with sleepy drooping eyes, he turned off the alarm and checked his inbox, going through some emails from office. He went to the washroom, took a cold shower and got ready.

In the kitchen Damon woke up early just to make breakfast for his brother to impress him yet he was doing nothing more than sitting on the island staring at the chef, he was jealous why he couldn't even make a cup of coffee properly. The chef was getting nervous due to his piercing gaze. They both heard footsteps in the hallway and the screeching sound of a chair moving in the dining area, they were certain that it's Daniel. Damon slumped from the island and took the tray from the chef and made his way to the dining area.

"Here you go sir", he kept the tray near Daniel on the glass dining table.

"D..D", Daniel shouted on the top of his voice and Damon flinched.

D arrives in haste not completely dressed as of Daniel's call, he says while buttoning his shirt, "Yes sir?".

"We have to be somewhere, eat your breakfast here and put on your suit jacket and tie", he commanded in stern tone to suppress both his brother and D but nothing can stop Damon.

Damon sat on Daniel's right side and said, "Hey bro wanna listen a joke", there was humour in his tone.

D giggled because he know what silly jokes Damon always throw, they are never funny but his way of saying it like a kid makes it funny and Daniel being Daniel never laughs on his jokes.

"Why we should not write with a broken pencil? Hu?", He looked at Daniel and tried to maintain a smile on his face to keep the situation under control and keep the charm of his joke.

"I will give you 5 seconds, both of you", he pointed at Daniel at D with his index finger, "Fiiiiiiive", he was elongating the number like a kid.

"Fooooour", Daniel was unaffected, he was eating peacefully.

"Threeeee", his expressions were funny.

"Duh! Because it's broken", D replied trying to act smart.

"Nope, bro your turn, only two seconds left", he said facing Daniel.

"Twoooo.......One.....ting ting ting", he made the bell sound and said, "because it's pointless, hahahahaha", he laughed with himself and D's mouth was agape at the silliness of the joke.

Daniel jerked up from his chair making both D and Damon back off, "I am in the car, make it fast". He walked away towards the exit.

"No one can make him laugh", Damon groaned out of frustration.

"Well someone can", D had a i-know-everything smile on his face.

"Spill the beans", Damon always used Daniel's men for spying on his brother.

"I don't know the whole story but K sounded drunk when he called me last night", he actually was not able to digest the news given by K.

"Just say it already", Damon was getting impatient.

"Actually, No, I will get killed by Boss if he gets to know about it, he will say it to you some day", he hurriedly stuffed his mouth with left breakfast and stood up to leave, "See you later sir".

"Give me a hint atleast, pleaseeeee", he dragged the last word to show his desperation but D ran away like wind, "GO TO HELL", Damon yelled out of frustration and pulled his hair.

Daniel reached at the Chauhan mansion at 8'O clock and the gaurds let him through without any security check.

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