Cassandra tilts her head then
leans over kissing both of us "This was wonderful but I have something to do, be back soon" she says quickly dressing and swarming out.

Starla sits up looking confused and slightly upset I reach over pulling her to me "Hey Star, it's okay she's not running off she probably heard something she has to deal with or someone called for her it happens" I say.

She nods and sighs looking down "I'll go, I need to finish cleaning Lady Bela's room anyways" she says going to get up.

I grab her pulling her back "Nope, she knows you're unavailable so lay down with me".

She looks unsure lying by me so I sigh pulling her close to me running my fingers threw her hair "Why didn't my freak out scare you?" I ask.

Feeling her snuggle closer to me she hums "I've heard the other maids talking, they talk about how Lady Cassandra should find a better mate and insult your looks, I don't like it so I don't see how your reaction was wrong, a bit over the top and extreme but pretty normal for an Alpha or Omega when someone tries to come between them and their mate".

I nod "You know we would react the same way over you?"

She frowns looking up at me "I'm Beta, I don't have a mate why would I get that response?"

I chuckle tapping her nose "You may not have the same instincts but, we have all but marked you as our mate, we do want to and we would have earlier but didn't because we want to win your heart first".

Seeing her confusion I smile "Cassandra is my true mate so we have a mating bond but there are different bonds as well, I know I have two, I'll have to look into others but I know Sonya and I have a familial bond as sisters we can trust each other so completely that we know we
would never turn on each other".

I sigh sitting up covering my body completely "I know you were probably thinking more about having your urges met, it's why we didn't mark you because with a more focused mind you may not want us, so if you don't or regret this I promise everything will go back to normal, we may need time before we can reach a point where it's not awkward between us but you will still have your job and protection" I say looking at the wall.

Before she can speak I jump up pulling my clothes on kissing her cheek "Whatever you pick I'll respect your choice, I'll give you space to think over it but we do want you" I say softly handing her a pen, and paper off the table.

I leave fast closing the door behind me and rushing down the halls to Lady Dimitrescu's office "Are you insane she will kill that girl and possibly hurt you Cassandra" I hear Bela hiss.

"No she won't Bela" Cassandra answers sounding bored.

I sigh pushing the door open seeing Daniela on a chair upside down giggling as Bela and Cassandra glare at each other while Alcina just looks on tired "Who am I killing?" I ask like I'm confused.

Bela looks at me shocked while Daniela starts laughing and Alcina frowns "I do hope I do not have a dead maid".

I hum dropping onto the couch near Cassandra "She was alive when I left" I say shrugging.

Seeing Cassandra's smug smirk and chest puffed out from the corner of my eye I slap her stomach with the back of my hand.

"You fucked a maid together" Bela grunts.

I nod crossing my arms "We did, if the maid agrees we want to keep her for ourselves".

Alcina sighs lighting her cigarette tossing me one and a lighter, I smile lighting it and kick my shoes off pulling my feet on the couch.

"After your outburst today you do this" Alcina says looking at me.

I hum nodding "I was in a territory marking rage she's my territory as well" I say shrugging.

"You called out my mate, are you saying she's yours as well" Alcina growls.

I snort looking at her "She's family I called out all your children, yourself, and Lady
Beneviento as well I have no desire to bed you, Daniela, Bela, or Lady Beneviento, I just made it clear I will protect you all, same as Sonya but Star is MINE" I say calmly ending in a yelling growl.

Daniela suddenly flips over jumping up by me growling at her mom and Bela.

I take a breath calming myself while reaching out and scratch her head while pulling her to me "Hey Dani relax, they're not a threat, they're just worried about what's going to happen to our family".

She looks at me but nods relaxing while curling up to me as Alcina glares at me "When I had to remove the forced mating mark it caused a shift in her, it's why I tried to ask Sonya to handle it, it makes a trust bond she feels safe with me and protective it will ease up but for a few months she'll be like this if she thinks someone's threatening me" I say simply.

Alcina sighed rubbing her forehead "You come in and throw everything into chaos".

I shrug looking at her "It's worse without me" I say knowing she'll get what I mean then look at Dani sadly.

Alcina nods "I believe you, now what is the plan for Starla?"

I hum "If she agrees we will court her after that we will mark her as ours, when she's ready myself or Sonya will do similar to what I did to Sonya ensuring she would never leave us threw old age since we know how, from there I would prefer her to have the same privileges as myself and Sonya, we're not maids anymore but do still work for you and serve Mother Miranda".

Alcina nods frowning "You know you're a Lord now? You do not have to work for me" she says simply.

I nod looking up at her "I do but I also know I have no fucking idea what I'm doing I'm better giving advice and letting the more experienced Lords help me to make it work best, I know I have the title and rights I just prefer to help, I trust you to find the best way to use my ideas you have decades more experience than I ever will".

She nods looking at her daughters "Girls leave us I need to speak with Mallory" she says.

Cassandra kisses me then swarms away, I watch them all leave before turning back to Alcina who stands moving to a couch across from me "I have noticed Sonya has more knowledge on things you would know, you even said she's the only other one who has the knowledge of how to change someone without the Cadou, explain this".

I sigh slouching "Okay bossy" I mumble smirking at her glare.

"When I saved her it's a safety precaution that I did, you know I became a close friend with her before that and while I could speak with you as you knew the truth, I was lonely with almost everyone I have to hide the truth but I couldn't with her, what I did it shares all my knowledge with her she knows my whole life from birth to that moment same as I do her" I say simply.

Alcina raises a brow "Her whole life?"

I nod seeing her doubt so I glare pointing at her waist "How she handled that and lived before her change I don't fucking know the fact she could walk after the first time was scary enough" I say seeing her shock and then a smug look.

"Do not look smug over your size Alcina that's not shocking it fits your giant ass and explains why your ego is so big, what you should be proud of is the fact Sonya could handle it" I hiss seeing her frown then nod smiling a little.

"You're getting very brave with mouthing off to me," she says simply as I hear the door open and see Sonya come in looking nervous with Raven as a kitten on her shoulder.

"Because your ego needs to be brought down to a manageable range Alcina and Sonya it's nice to see you but give me my baby" I say smiling at her.

She snorts handing her to me I kiss Raven scratching her head "have you been tormenting Nana Sonya?" I ask cooing.

Raven glares at Sonya who scoffs waving her off "She was stalking the maids attacking their feet I had to catch her" I nod scratching under her chin "Poor princess, Nana Sonya ended your playtime" I coo at her.

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