happy birthday, harry

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"This is so nice," Harry murmurs, staring up at the ceiling. He's sure that if he keeps his head back against the couch like this for a few minutes longer, he'll develop a crick in his neck, but that thought seems far away as his fiancée continues to assault his jaw and jugular with soft, yet pointed kisses. His hand rests on the back of her head, her hair spilling over his fingers, and the press of her thighs against his keeping him awake.

Mia pulls away to frown at him. "I've been kissing you for ten minutes and all you have to say is 'this is nice'?"

He smiles down at her, the hand in her hair traveling to cup her cheek. "You are so nice, I meant."

"You're right," she says, looking pleased. "I am." And then she ducks her head and continues kissing his collarbones.

He's half sprawled on the couch with his legs wide, and she's directly on top of him. The collar of his shirt is open, his tie undone, and he's pretty sure that somewhere between entering their house and Mia basically pouncing on him, she managed to undo the button and zipper of his pants.

Harry sighs softly, melting into the soft presses of her lips. He imagines how his neck must look right now, riddled with lipstick stains and slight marks from her nipping. He's not entirely sure what's gotten into her, but he's not complaining.

Today, Harry is thirty.

Mia calls it the "hot age", which he's unfamiliar with, but if it gets this type of treatment, who is he to argue?

His hair was carefully done before they attended dinner, but now, it's a complete mess. By Mia's orders, he's not cut his hair for several months now, and without any product, it falls into his eyes. Her face lights up whenever he comes out of the shower and has to tuck the curls behind his ears to avoid getting his face all wet. Some days, it's hard to scrape her off of him. He's even been late a few times to work because of it. If he actually had to answer to someone, it may have been a problem.

"I love you," Mia suddenly mumbles against his collar.

Not realizing he's closed them, Harry opens his eyes and glances down at her. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." She's quiet. And then: "I'm really happy I get to see you at 30."

He runs a thumb over her cheek. "What do you mean?"

She turns her head into his neck. "I mean – well. Eight years ago, I didn't think I'd see you at 25, much less 30."

"Didn't think I'd be in your life?"


Harry rests his chin on the top of her head. "There have been a few bumps, hm?"

(They don't really talk about their break up much these days. Mia saw Harry struggle with accepting it and moving on from it for a very long time. Now, they're both at ease, it seems.)

"Mhm," Mia says. She bites down on his shoulder gently. "I hope I get to see you at 35. And 40. And 50. And 100."

He laughs again though his heart is heavy in his chest. "Think you'll still love me at 40 and 50 and 100? Doubt I'll be too hot then."

She raises her head then, and Harry is surprised to see her pretty eyelashes sticking together with tears. He immediately stops smiling and puts his palms over her eyes, wiping away the moisture. He leaves a streak of mascara down her face, but that matters little right now.

Mia holds his open collar, bunching up the fabric between her fingers. She leans close, sliding her nose against his. "I wish," she whispers, "I could put into words what I feel for you. And how it grows every time I wake up next to you. It is so–" she takes a breath, "unbearable sometimes."

Harry swallows, too stunned for words. Mia kisses him softly, trailing her fingers down his chest, resting her fists against his butterfly tattoo. He kisses her back, pushing off the back of the couch to lean into her as well, pressing their hearts together. At some point through the kisses, his fingers become tangled in her hair. Mia pulls away to take a breath.

When he releases her, their chests rise and fall hard with their breaths. Mia rests her forehead on Harry's, a smile twisting onto her lips. "Happy birthday, Harry."

He surges forward and kisses her again.

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