mia's second nipple piercing

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a harry and mia blurb in which mia finally gets her second nipple piercing. i just wanna publicly apologize to mia for forgetting that i only gave her one piercing. you deserve better, my queen. x


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Mia wouldn't mind answering this, if it weren't the sixth time her (very) nervous boyfriend asked this particular question since they entered the shop. All she gives back to him is a tight nod, which he immediately misinterprets as reluctance, and he grabs her hand, saying, "I'm serious. Do you want to leave?"

"No, but you know what I really want?"

Harry leans in intently. "Tell me."

"I want to whack you on your head."

He looks startled, but she smiles sweetly and begins to unbutton her shirt. He sits back in his seat beside her, suddenly aware of the hidden smile on the piercer's face as she sterilizes the utensils. When the woman makes eye contact with him, she explains, "My boyfriend was the same way when I got my tongue pierced." She directs her attention to Mia. "He's only worried about you."

"I already have one though." Mia spreads her shirt and through her bra, they both can see her single pierced nipple. She's recently changed the barbell, and Harry was there to witness it, amazing at how quickly and skillfully she'd done it, and it would be safe to admit that his pants had tightened considerably as she did it. Harry nearly chokes at how effortlessly she bares herself to the entire parlour, but with a quick sweep of his eyes around the perimeter of the place, he notes that nobody is looking. "See?"

"Have you had any problems with that one or any other piercings on your body?"

"Nope," Mia says, popping the p. "They've all healed well. And for this one, I just wanted to make sure my body would react well to it. My piercer said the same thing, and I thought it was very smart."

"You got it done here?"

"Yup. I know the procedure and the aftercare."

"So this will be a cake walk, then."

"I hope so."

"Do you mind if I look at the piercing first?"

If Harry is shocked at how easily she opens up her shirt, he's even more taken aback with her audacity when she pulls her bralette down. After the initial spike in his heart beat, he realizes something that makes his eyes soften, and the hand around hers tighten to give her a supportive, loving squeeze. In the beginning of their relationship, she was always so self conscious about her body, about her breasts in particular, and often refused to let him remove her bra in fear of being judged, but now she's pulling her bralette away with a hefty amount of confidence, it makes him unbelievably proud, happiness radiating from him. His thumb runs over the back of her hand as the piercer snaps on a new pair of gloves, laying the utensils on the tray beside Mia, and then the woman begins to check her perfect piercing. The sight of it makes him excited, but he settles that part of him down. Right now isn't the right time for that kind of behavior. Her soft breast molds into the piercer's hand, and her nipple hardens to the cold air, yet his sweet girl isn't the least bit embarrassed or flustered. She's confident in it, and he knows he has the piercing to blame for that. When Mia looks over at him, worried as to why he's suddenly gone all quiet, she sees it in his eyes, and she smacks his shoulder playfully. Stop it, she mouths.

The piercer leans in, unable to see Harry's mouth form around the words, so pretty, baby. It's inaudible too, but she understands, biting the inside of her lip to hide her smile.

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