harry and mia doing face masks on her birthday

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this is funny because it's my birthday today and i'm gonna watch the princess diaries, aka the best movie and best book series ever, in an hour haha

Anonymous asked:

Mia not being able to have a princess diaries birthday party because of Covid so H does face masks with her and cuddles and watches the first movie with her, and calls her princess the whole day ❤️


"It's cold," she warns Harry, bringing the sheet mask over to his face. "Brace yourself."

They're sitting on the bed, Mia hovering over him and bringing the sheet closer. She'd run out and gotten some stuff from the drugstore before the rain outside picked up.

"I'm ready. I can handle it– what the fuck! Mia!"

She cackles, pressing the clear sheet against his skin more firmly, smoothing it down with her fingers. His eyes have scrunched closed, his hands in fists. "Don't be a baby," she says, poking his nose.

"It's freezing!"

"You can handle hours of pain when you get tattoos, but not a second of coldness on your face? Okay. Baby." She takes her jade roller and begins at his jaw, still smoothing the sheet down. "You can open your eyes. I didn't put the mask anywhere near them, you nut."

He tentatively opens his eyes, one at a time, and then visibly relaxes. "Oh. Yeah, I knew that."

She looms over him as he sets the movie up on the TV, navigating through Disney+ easily since that's all they've been doing since the pandemic began. Harry returned to his office for a couple months before working from home again. He likes working from home anyways. It's always a joy to see Mia in her sweatpants all the time, her hair unkempt, traveling with a wine glass whenever she goes like it's water. Some people might be put off by it, but he thinks it's just Mia.

Once she perfects the mask, she takes another one out of her shopping bag, rips the cover open and expertly places it on herself. She doesn't even need a mirror.

She looks at Harry and Harry looks back at her. They both crack up.

"You look so fuckin' stupid," Harry chuckles, throwing an arm around her, bringing her back into his chest. "Come here."

"You don't look that great either, Caspar."

"Ouch. You've killed me." He rests a hand on his chest, tilting his head back as if he's been shot. The movie has started, the words "The Princess Diaries" in yellow against the blue sky. Her focus is back on the movie, cuddling into his side. Harry kicks the blanket towards them, tucking her in tightly against him, resting an arm over his head, taking advantage of the position to gently scratch her hair. She almost purrs at the soft treatment of her boyfriend, hooking her leg over his waist.

"Love you," he mutters as he watches the black and white cat on the screen get picked up by a teenager with wildly curly hair. "Having a good birthday?"

She nods happily. "The best."

This is one of her favorite movies. Harry suspects she just likes it when the character in the movie, Mia, is called a princess because his girlfriend likes being called a princess. It is her Instagram handle after all.

The calm lasts only a few moments, Mia quietly mouthing the words as the movie goes on.

"Hey," he whispers to his girlfriend when the Mia on the screen is watching Josh and Lana make out. "I have to itch my face."

"Don't you dare."

"It's really bad. Fuck... it's, like, spreading too!"

"Just don't focus on it."

He goes quiet, and she thinks she's won, but only a few minutes later, he says, "I have to itch it. It's not getting better."

She picks her head up to glare at him. "Stop! No! I just laid it down nicely!"

The arm behind his head comes back, his arm rushing to his nose, but she grabs his wrist and pins it down, quickly straddling his chest to hold both hands down. His eyes widen at this (and another part of him wakes too), watching her grey eyes fill with stubbornness.

"No. Touching. You can just wiggle your nose."

"I've been doing that for five minutes!"

"Fine," she says with a growl. "I'll do it. Show me where."

He goes to move his hand again, but Mia presses her weight into her wrists. "Not with your hand!"

"Then with what, my foot?! I swear you're the craziest woman I have ever met. It's a face mask, not a bomb!"

She rolls her eyes and drapes her entire body over his right arm as unwinds her fingers from his wrist and gently itches the side of his nose. "Here?"

"Yeah. Do it a little harder."

She huffs and scratches a little harder until Harry relaxes. "Done?"

"Little more. Yeah, that's it," he groans, relieved. "Fuck. Thank you."

Mia takes the jade roller from her side and begins to smooth the face mask back over his face as he stares at her. His eyes don't move even an inch off her face, a slow smile growing on his lips.

"What?" she scowls. Behind her, Josh is taking his sweater off on the screen and the cheerleaders are going crazy over it.

"Nothing," Harry says, still smiling, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Just love you a lot, princess."

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