This Relationship of Ours (I)

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Before I present to you part one of the ex dom fic, I'd like to make a disclaimer. There are elements in this fic where I incorporate BDSM lifestyle aspects and I like to think I got it pretty spot on, however, in the event that I offend you with some false information, I do apologize. I am not an expert on this topic, but I researched as well as I could, and I'm truly sorry if I've interpreted certain things incorrectly. Thank you.

Let's go!


The smallest things can set off a person's memories, digging and dragging them through the dirt of the remaining pieces that once held a moment together. Memories serve to be the most betraying and heartbreaking aspects of the brain, usually setting up a person for defeat, and a defeat caused by a person's own mind is the worst. When they do betray you, there's no hiding the hurt. It seeps out of your eyes and down to settle in the crevices of your face, embedding itself, burning and aching, sending warning signals to the heart. It screams and begs for mercy, but the body remains frozen solid, eyes numbly blinking at the source of the triggered memory of soft kisses and whispers of love.

That's exactly how Mia felt when he walked into the small restaurant, hands in his pockets and a couple friends besides him. His mouth was curved upwards in a small smile at whatever his pal was teetering about, but even his smile wasn't enough to cool her blazing heart. It wasn't enough to get her legs to move and shuffle away from her seat, running away from her problems. It simply wasn't enough anymore.

She'd spent the past month trying to avoid the man who permanently resided there, making sure her plan for staying away from him was foolproof, even going so far to never mention him to her roommate with the exception of one photo, because said roommate was was pretty much as nosey as they got. She loved Amara though, and she knew she'd understood if she told him about this specific man, but the memories were still too painful, seeing him on social media was painful, and the result was her isolating herself in every matter in regards to him. She'd unfollowed him off of every platform, even blocking him on Facebook so he wouldn't pop up in her circles.

She wasn't ready to face him and while he might have forgotten about her as it seemed he had, she still had a heart.

"Isn't that your ex?"

That's what snapped her out of her trance, watching his every movement until he sat at his own table, reaching towards the menu. Her head whipped to her friend who focused on him with narrowed eyes as if trying to decipher if it were really him.

"Uh yeah," Mia said with a nonchalant shrug that made her friend cautiously look at her. "Same guy from the photo."

Her friends had only ever seen pictures of Harry and her because of her newfound extrovertism and since she didn't have him anymore...well, it was time to make friends.

"He's not here with any girl." Her friend craned her neck to get a good look at his curly mane. "At least I don't think so."

Mia let out the breath she'd been unconsciously holding. Her fists clenched, as she inhaled deeply and tore her eyes from the sight of him reaching towards the icy water. A slight smile tugged at her mouth, but it was a subconscious twitch, when he dipped his fork in the water and removed the slice of lemon floating above the water, settling it onto the napkin besides his right hand.

"I'm gonna head over to the bathroom," she announced to the two friend who sat across her, still staring unashamedly at Harry. She snapped her fingers in front of their eyes. "Quit staring!"

"He's hella cute," one of her friends, Amara, snickered while biting her lip. She tossed her glossy black hair over her shoulder. "You dated him? You sure?"

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