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"We're going to Lilys Baby Palace, now turn up the radio. Twist and shout is on!" When Mimi took me to get my first guitar,we passed by that place. Huge pictures of babies on the window and everything. Thank heavens i actually paid attention. "That's a plac- my part!" Paul turns up the radio and sings along. "Shake it, shake it, shake it baby now. Shake it, shake it, shake it baby." I sing along and he starts shaking his head as he does at the concerts. Bad timing. I turn into the entrance of the shopping center and Pauls head smack against the window. I can't help but laugh. "Damn it to hell John, warn me next time! And stop laughing!" He rubs his head and Ally starts giggling from the back seat. "What are you laughing at?" He says in a playfull voice. He's turned half way around reaching to tickle her. She screams in joy as he tickles her belly. "We've arrived, safe and unharm- " I stop seeing as it's not completely true and Paul gives me a warning glare. I'm laughing now but his face is still serious. "Come on. Lighten up will ye?" He breaks into a smile. His smile. My Paul. I know he must want me to if he's still here putting up with lousiness. "I'm still mad though. So dont think I'm going to tal-" I lean and hug him. He hugs back. "What's wrong John?" I only hug when I'm stressed or sad. In fact Paul's the only one i hug when I'm in those moods.
"I'm just glad that you're still here. You didn't turn and leave when I called you with this problem and you're just really making this a whole lot better." He breaks away and looks at me. "John I'm not going to leave you when you obviously need me." He says sheepishly. I roll my eyes. "Hey I'm just playing. John, Ally needs us. You can't do this alone. I won't let you. We can do this, of course with help from George, Ringo, and possibly Mimi but other than that we got this. I stayed because when Jane broke up with me and i started to run a fever, you showed up at my house and made me feel better even if i was acting like a git. You didn't give up on me so i won't give up on you." He laughs and hugs me again.

I turn the engine off and step out, things are actually looking up for once. Paul is getting Ally out of the car when i turn around. "I can hold her if you want John." He is crazy for this baby, she has her hand on his nose and he's just smiling like a git. "Yeah, thanks."

When we step in the store a younger looking boy is walking by when he glances at Ally. "Beautiful baby you got there, really." The boy smiles but Paul's face is serious. "Yeah well, she doesn't think the same for you and she's not allowed to even date till she is olda than forty years old so ye go on an just take your wandering eyes elsewhere you litt-" Pauls shouting in his liverpool accent. I put my hand over his mouth and give him a 'what the bloody hell?' kind of look. People are looking at us. "He's just really protective and new to this." I say getting 'awwww' from most of the ladies. Pauls cheeks are red when i take my hand off his mouth. "What the hell McCartney?" I'm half serious and half laughing. The boy has walked at a fast pace out of the store with his mum, who seemed mutually embarrassed. "Sorry John, I lost my temper but in my defense he was giving her googly eyes and I wasn't going to have it." He look flustered and Ally was in his arms playing with his collar. "Paul. That boy looked at least 12 years old and Ally is .. well we're going to have to take her to the doctor to find out her records to see how old she is for that. With that even being said, she LOOKS like she's almost a year old so toughen up ye pansy. If anybody has googly eyes for my Ally, we'll both deal with it!" Now I was angry just thinking about someone liking Ally. Damn feelings. "You're just as upset as i am. It's not to late to go rough that boy u-" I cut him off with my crazy laughter. "John, what the hell is wrong with you? Oh what am i saying? What the hell is wrong with US? She's got us wrapped around her tiny little finger." I breathe out a sigh and grab a basket. "That she does, Macca. Now let's get this shopping done before you accuse the whole store of trying to give googly eyes to our little Ally." He smiles as though he's pleased with himself and i give him the same smile back. Ally has her hands on Pauls collar still and he holds her tighter.

Protective Paul, Crazy John and of course, Sweet little Ally ❤ .

I Won't Give Up On Us (McLennon)Where stories live. Discover now