It's An Ear Ache, Darling

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John's POV:

It's been two days since we've got Ally's things settled in. Pauls been teasing me terribly and I'm trying to control myself, fucking hell who am I kidding? I nearly took him in the kitchen yesterday! I've been telling him that when we actually get to that, I want it to be special besides we have to keep our attention on little Ally. She's already starting to stand up (stumbling mostly) and yesterday when George was over, he'd left his cigarette pack on the coffee table and he left "for a second" to get a drink in the kitchen. My coffee table in the living room is pretty low so when I came out of the restroom, I almost had a heart attack! She was chewing on a cigarette! Paul damn near died when he saw me cleaning Ally's mouth out. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Ally smokes now." I'd joke when he had walked in. He was screaming on and on about how she needed to be rushed to the hospital. He was freaking out and almost crying. Golly, Paul is absolutely the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Besides Ally, she has the most amazing eyes and I just know that boys will be all over her, I always push those thoughts aside though. Right now she's my sweet little girl and I intend to keep it that way.

"Jommm" It was early in the morning and Ally lay between me and Paul. "Paaaa" She'd started calling me and Paul that also and to be honest I like it. I turned to her. "Yes, baby?" She was clinging to my arm with one hand and the other was pressed up against her ear. Paul stirred in the back and placed his stroked his hand through Ally's hair , falling back to sleep.
"Jommmy!" She cried out and I knew something was wrong. Paul sprang up. "What happened?" He looked at her, terrified. She moved both of her hands to her left ear. "Ally, does your ear hurt? Baby tell me what's wrong." She pressed harder onto her left ear and let out a cry. "Pool!" Paul had a look of sadness on his face and I knew how he was feeling, Ally was our world and seeing her hurt ..well really hurt and that's coming from me. Paul comforted her as best as he could. "Come here sweetheart." Pauls sweet side always made me feel lucky. He could have any girl, be out with birds all night probably bed one even but he's here, with Ally and I. She had her head snuggled againgst his stomach still sniffling. "Paul, she has an ear ache." He look at me scared. "A what?" He was probably thinking of it to be something way more than it actually was. "It's an ear ache darling. She's feeling pain in her ear, that's why she's crying." He gave me a hurt look. "In pain? Get the car ready, we're going to the hospital!" He was freaking out again and this time I calm him down. "No, I know what to do. I used to get them quite alot after our rehearsals, Mimi would use hot baby oil. So go heat up hot baby oil." He looks at me and nods leaving the room. "Don't worry Ally, Daddy and I are going to make it feel better." I know that sooner or later she'll be asking why she has two dads, especially when she starts school im about six years but I know she'll understand.

"Got it, love. Now what?" He rushes in with a glass cup that's heating. I have to improvise something that we could use to drop some of the hot oil in her ear. "Give me a rolled up newspaper." I watched as he rushed to the beside table for the newspaper. "Jom!" Ally cried out. My heart sank, she needs me and she's hurting. "Paul please hurry!" He handed me the rolled up newspaper. I picked up Ally and placed her in Pauls lap. "Tilt her head to the right and comfort her." He looked at me and smiled. He started to sing. Imagine I'm in love with you He continued singing and I let droplets go from the cup down through the rolled up newspaper then into Ally's ear. She tenses when she feels it go into her ear but Pauls singing is slowing putting her to sleep. When I'm finished putting three drops in, I listen to Paul singing. It's not like me, to pretend. But I'll get you, I'll get you in the end. Yes I will, I'll get you in the end. "Paul that was beautiful, what was it?" I whisper noticing that Ally has fallen asleep. "A song I've been working on, it's not quite finished but I wrote it for you, with good intentions." He winked jokingly and I give him the cheesiest smile i can. "Can we sleep in today, John?" He yawns after asking this. We have been taking Ally to the studio with us for the past two days to work but I think Ally as well as us needs a break. "Yeah, get in bed with Ally and I'll call Rimgo to tell him we're taking the day off and to tell George and Brian." He gives me a sleepy nod and heads to the bed with Ally in his arms.

"I love you, John." Paul says before laying down.
"I love you to, Paul. Now go to sleep, you look exhausted." I give a sympathetic laugh.

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