The Pancake Process

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John's POV:

Paul has his arm slung over me when I wake up out of breath. A bad dream, I haven't had one of those in a while. This wasn't a horror kind of scary but a fearful one when you feel like you're losing something forever and feeling empty. I've only just began to feel complete and that dream was a tad frightening. 4 A.M. Goodness, it's a good thing Ally is crashed out from the long day we had yesterday. I can feel my throat dry from my ragged breathing. "John." Paul whispers with his eyes still closed. "It's nothing love, just a bad dream is all." I look over again and see that his eyes are sleepily opening. "Tell me about it?" He looks so innocent right now and I can't refuse him. "It was more of feelings than a nightmare but in the same category as if I lost something that really meant alot to me and I was just about btokenly out of breath when the feeling kicked in." I close my eyes hoping that my heart will calm down because now the feeling is haunting. "Johnny, everything is alright now. Darling listen to my heartbeat." He moves up in a slow manner until my head is on his chest and I can see what he's telling me. "It's so calm... and rhythmic." He smiles after I say this. "Just like us when we kiss." I look up at him then he shimmies back down and tucks his face into the crook of my neck. "How do you manage to always say the right thing?" His hair brushes against my chin ,making me laugh but I still wait for his response. "It comes easily when you drive me insane." He fades out during the last words because I fall back to sleep but I can feel Paul gently kiss the corner of my mouth and fall back with a sigh. Goodnight Macca.

"Jomm!" I woke up yo Ally smacking my face. "Take it easy, will ya love?" I say sitting up and checking the time. 9 a.m. Not bad actually. Ally slides down from the bed and lands in her butt. Pulling her up to me I look over and see Paul still sleeping. "Pancakes, Ally?" I lift her up and she rest on my hip supported by my arm. How do I make pancakes? Ally squirms as I sit her on the counter. "It says 'Just add water' now. How much though?!" I pour the powder from the box into a bowl and add water. "Mix this for Daddy, Ally." We should have our own cooking show, honestly I'm proud when I hand her the whisk and she begins her best at mixing the batter. "Good girl, give Pa a kiss." She giggles in excitement as she presses her mouth against my cheek, leaving saliva everywhere but feeling satisfied enough to clap afterwards. "You're growing so quickly my love, is that batter ready yet?" I stick my finger in to taste it and a string of it drips on the counter as I bring it to my mouth. "This is not bad actually, try it Ally." I grab a spoon, dipping it in the batter then nearing her mouth. "How is it?" She sticks her whole hand in the batter and for some unapparent reason, I start laughing uncontrollably. "Ally, All-, Ally what are you doing?" My ribs are hurting and I can't even get a sentence out when she starts sucking on her tiny hand. "Lets get some of this in a pan and clean you up." As I lean her over the sink to clean het hands, my elbow knocks over the bowl of batter. "Bloody hell." This comes out sort of mutterish causing Ally to snicker but she's abruptly interrupted by a quiet hiccup. Between every two seconds the hiccups get louder and she looks quite confused. The look on her face is funny though. "You've gotten hiccups!" I begin to laugh but her hand grip my hair as I'm holding her and I know that she's offended. Paul walks in sleepily just then. "Hey John, how's All- John! What the hell went on in here?" Huugh! Ally lets out in a hushed way, though I know she was trying to hold back a hiccup. This was actually quite a horrendous sight. Though it had it's perks for example, batter on my cheeks smeared to my cheek by the fault of Ally. Allys' arms are basically dripping with batter as she tried making the annoying hiccups go away. "Ally what's wrong?" Paul leans in and I grin knowing what's to come. This time it came out as a 'Hup!' Paul screamed and jerked away. "You knit wit wha ta ya' screaming for?" I say innocently knowing I was as guilty as a convict. "Oh that's it!" I didn't know what he was going to do but he leaned in and started tickling Ally until she yanked on his hair in the position he was in. Then he turned to me with a surreptitious look. "Oh no you don't. Paul if you even thi- Paul!" He lunged forward and soon he had me pinned underneath him to where struggling was of no use there I was tickled without putting up a fight. I tried to talk between the laughing he was causing me by tickling. "Paul when I get out of- when I ge- WHEN I GET OUT FROM UNDER YA, your- Damn it Paul! ALLY HELP DA!" Of course the text she didn't quite understand because she was helping Paul instead. "Traito- traitors the both...both of ya! Alright I give!" But I had a plan. John Lennon never gives up! Hehe they just didn't know it. "You give, ya say?" John gives me a jokingly suspicious look and I'm actually satisfied by it. "Yesssss. I give now Ally help daddy clean the batter." The plan was set in motion. I needed Ally on my side because wether or not I'm John Lennon, I can't take the both of them. "Let's get Daddy Macca, dip your hands in the batter and when I say go, you go give daddy the biggest hug." I whisper mediumly into her ear while Paul is standing by the sink wiping down the countertop on the other side. "Go sweetheart." She moves towards him with hands behind her back when he turns his attention to her. "Hug Pool" I see him bend over to hug her then quickly dip my hands into the batter and wait till I hear him screech from the dirty hug.
"IT'S IN ME HAIR! ALLY WE WERE SUPPOSE TO BE A TEAM" He shouts in a laughing, betrayed voice. She giggles running behind me and I stand in front protecting her because he's trying to tickle again until he notices my hands are behind my back. "Come on John. Take it easy, we can all be friends and buy a pizz- Oh John! Again in me damn hair?!" I scoop Ally up and run for the diner room, out the living and to the stairs fast hearing him running after from behind me. He grabs my foot while I'm halfway up the stairs. "Save yourself Ally!" I shout dramatically and she runs for her room. "Playing dirty aren't we Johnny?" Macca gives me an evil grin before taking a glob of batter out of his hair and throwing at my face hitting my cheek. I laugh at how cold and gooey it is. Then he pulls my leg fown further to him to where we are leveled on the same stair step. "Let's call it truce." I say bargaining then hold out my hand. He takes me by the hand and uses it to pull my body closer untill our lips meet. I drift off into it because it's been a while since I've felt this amazing. Ow! Paul pulls away and I smile because I see what had happened. Ally threw a ball down the stairs and, like my partner and crime, hit him. Paul looks at me then Ally. We communicate with looks then I shout "Attack the Ally!" Paul nods. She hollers in joy as she runs back to her room while we run after her up the stairs. "So no pancakes for breakfast?" I say jokingly. "We'll go to The Waffle House after we avenge ourselves he declares in a soldier manner. I only laugh and kiss his cheek, ready for our mission.

Sorry for any spelling errors, babes. I was to tired to go through everything. I'm lazy ❤, this cute family isn't though .

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