Pauls POV:
"John, can we go home? John. John. John." I was getting pretty bored at the doctors appointment and John seemed calm so why not?
"Paul, so help me if you keeping saying ma name. I think you might end up in the hosp-" This was actually quite entertaining to me.
"Joooooooohn. Love me." I put on a seductive face, making John laugh.
"Stop it, I say. Paul, you look like a fool." I keep giving him looks and start batting my eye lashes. "Johnny, I neeeed you." I turns on the chair and push my back into his side. "Love, love me do." I start singing and he hums along. I push harder into his side and then I feel a space is made between the chair. Damn it. I fall and hit my elbow on the floor. "That's what you get, acting like a maniac." Johns laughing and I can feel my face get hot like may times before when I've been embarrassed. "Stop laughing, you git and help me up." He nods and gives a smart reply. "Fallen and can't get up? I'll help you grandmother." He winks and starts choking on his own laugh. He's actually doing well for this.
"Ally Lennon." They call out and shortly after she's brought out with papers. "How is she then?" John gets really serious and tense. The doctor hands over some more papers but I'm more interested in getting Ally. The female nurse hands her to me and smiles really big but to Allys satisfaction I ignore it as she giggles in my arms. "Fine and Dandy sir." The Doctor walks away after this and we're off. "Hear that Ally, you're fine and dandy." John says in a baby in voice and continues on for her amusement. "Course we already knew that." I laugh at how sweet he's being, all buttered up and in a good mood. "I love you Ally." Ally gets excited and tries to speak. "Jom, Jom ah Joooom." She starts playing with hair so I pass her over to John for safety purposes.When we got into the car, I could hear my stomach growl. "John."
"Yes love" he replied as he was buckling in Ally in the backseat.
"I'm hungry." I start to think about burgers, muffins and milkshakes. "Really hungry, John." I give a cheesy smile to grab his attention. "Then where shall we go your majesty?" John smirked feeling proud of his snarky question. "Off to the Way Out Drive In servant." I winked with satisfaction and he seemed pretty impressed. "How about it Ally?" John asked looking through the rear view mirror at her. She was drinking out of a sippy cup when she started talking nonsense in response. "I guess that's a yes? Don't you think Macca?" He turned and looked at me and I could tell he was thinking about me. For now, about something he can't control. And I like it actually.
"Yes John." i said in a childlike way. He looked at me once more when I noticed a look of need. "Paul, stop it." I knew he was becoming infatuated with the idea of us being together right now.
"Stop what Johnny?" I made a pouting face and was extremely proud when he reacted.
"Paul, you know exactly what I'm talking about now stop while you're ahead." He look flustered and in a way that made me more aroused.
"John, you won't do a thing." I knew very well what I was doing.
"When we get h-" This frustrated me. John wasn't a patient person yet he was making me wait so long.
"You're going what? Tease me a bit more, eh? Take your shirt off and tell me not to touch you I suppose." I said this without realizing myself that this was bothering me quite a bit.I looked over to find a hurt look on Johns face.
"Paul, I'm sorry.. I didn't. Look I'm just trying to do this right an-" I cut him off. "I've literally witnessed you lay girls after five minutes of talking to them. What's wrong with me? Maybe you're just really not into m-" This time he cut me off.
"Damn it Paul! Do you not understand? There's a reason why I'm trying to wait. Those girls were just something to get the job done, okay? I hate saying that because we have Ally with us and that's not how I want her to think all guys are because most of us bloody are! It's true though, you mean more than that to me and I'm scared, okay? Im fucking scared!" I put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "Calm down. Ally is asleep. What are you afraid of John?" I say in a hushed voice. "That you'll leave me. Paul every relationship is like this. They stick around untill they have a story to sell and then that's it so don't you ever compare yourself to them. Ever." He pulled the car over with a screech then stepped out. What the hell is he doing? I watched as he speedily walked around the front to my side of the car. My heart starts racing faster than my breathing at this moment. "Step out Paul." He opened the door for me with space to get out. I do as I'm told and step out. "John." I say in a very nervous way. It's getting dark out so I leave the door open for Ally to get air. He gets in on my side and turns the car on for the radio. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow by The Shirelles is on and I'm confused. John pulls himself out if the car and takes both of my hands into his own. "Dance with me, love." I hesitate at first but wrap arms around his waist and for the first time in a while, I feel like I understand everything. We sway with the music on the side of the road while cars honk and some people whistle. "John, I'm sorry I upset you." I hugged tighter as the air swiftly breezed along my face. "You didn't, you could never." I smiled to myself at that. We danced a little longer untill he heard my stomach growl again. "Let's go now." He winked and we got back in the car with Ally still asleep. "To The Way Out we go!" I shout out the window while we start driving. John laughs and takes my hand in his empty one, using the other one to steer the wheel. Then we were off and my mind was sure.

I Won't Give Up On Us (McLennon)
RomanceJohn and Paul end up raising a child together (Just read the story) ,along the way things heat up. Feels everywhere .