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3rd Person:
John was sleeping peacefully in his new apartment when he hears a knock at the door.
"Hmmm" he groans. Another knock. Turning on the lamp by his bed, he squints as the light shines on his sleepy eyes.
"Just a wait a bloody minute, will ya?" Drowisly John stumbles to the door. Better not be one of the mates drunk again, he thinks. When he opens the door, nobody is there. Very amusing, jokes over. He's about to close the door when he hear a stifled cry. It's different though, he looks down to find a baby in a carrier.
The baby is definitely a girl, judging by the pink flower blankets. Soft round face with rosy red cheeks, green eyes and a small nose.
Johns POV:
A baby girl. Where did she come from? No note or message. Nothing. I look around a twice to see if anybody might be there but there's absolutely nobody there and we're in complete silence. I bring her inside and take a real good look at her. She can't be any older than 10 months. Who the hell leaves a baby this small out on a door step at 2 in the morning? I'm completely sure she isn't mine, seeing as she has green eyes and black hair while i have brown eyes with auburn hair. She's looking up at me and i feel like at the moment, I'm everything in the world to her and realize that she completely has me wrapped around her finger. Wow. This was way to confusing ,i was thinking of calling Mimi but i didn't want to wake her. Instead i call Paul. The baby starts to cry, i rush over nearly running into the dresser.
Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing. Riiiiii-
"Hello?" A groggy voice comes from the other line. Paul.
"Macca i need you over here as soon as possible." I pick her up from her carrier with the telephone between my shoulder and cheek.
"Oh no, did you drop your keys in the toil-" Damn it McCartney it was embarrassing enough the first time!
"No and i thought you said you'd never speak of it again." She takes. A fistful of my hair and yanks. "Just get over here, it's important!"
"Alright Johnny, you don't have to shout just give me thirty minutes."
A sense of relief washed over me with that.
A while later there's a knock at the door.
"Alright now what's wrong then?" Paul looked worried and it made me feel kind of good inside, he cares.
"Just that i have a baby now is all" I let him in and he stares in amusement. He smiles sleepily at her and plays with her cheeks untill she's giggling. She wraps her small hand around his index finger and he lets out an adored sigh.
"A good looking baby you've had, who's the mum?" She hasn't let go of his finger but he doesn't seem to mind.
"That's just it Paul, she's not my child. She was dropped off here 2 hours ago at my door step without a single note. I don't know what to do. I know that I have to keep her though." I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes tightly. Such a tiny baby yet she's changed my life in a matter of minutes.
"John's a daddy now eh?" Paul grabs her from my arms. He gives me a mischievous smile. "Think of when she becomes a teenager, all the boys after her. Maybe she'll have her first kiss when you're out at a show with us or she might introduce you to hi-" I cut him off, i didn't like the sound of this at all. Boys? Kissing? Nope, not happening.
"That's quite enough Paul. She'll be homeschooled." I pull her back to me and she snuggles her head against my chest. "John, i was only playing." He follows me as i lay her back down in her carrier. She's fallen asleep. "I know but Paul, i feel like she's really mine. I have to protect her and i have to do it alone." I'm serious and he knows it. "No, you won't have to do it alone. I'm here Johnny." He stares down at her in her carrier. "You should probably give her a name first though." We both laugh at this. "Ally. She will be Alice Lennon." She is my child now. " Not bad Lennon." I turn to Paul who was staring at me for the longest time. "She needs me, Paul." I'm starting back at him now but it's a strange tension, he's staring at my lips. "What's happening John?" I answer by leaning in and kissing him. I know he accepts my response when he wraps his arms around my neck.
I explore his mouth untill our tongues are moving in unison around. What is happening here? "Wow." Is all i say when we break. "Wow is right." Paul says breathlessly then we both laugh like we're maniacs, red cheeks and plump lips. My world has changed in a night.

Let me know if i should continue and I'll get right on it. ❤

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