Captured Moments

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I pulled up to the restaurant and met with the planner to make sure everything was in place

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I pulled up to the restaurant and met with the planner to make sure everything was in place. I made sure that everyone knew what to do when she arrived. This had to go perfect. I hired chef Kimme to make our food. I know she would be happy to have her making our food because she loves watching her on tik tok. And she loves recreating her food. I ain't gonna lie if she almost got her shit down packed like they could go into business together but I know my baby ain't finna be in no kitchen like that. She only cooks for family and friends sometimes but I get it all the time. I must be the luckiest man alive. I was about to ask the most gorgeous woman I have ever met to marry me. Who would have thought, Zachary Taylor with one woman for the rest of his life I can't believe it. Rommel texted me and let me know that they were on the way which was perfect because everything was in place and ready to make its appearance. I started getting butterflies as if I was getting married. If this is what it's like to get married then I want to experience it all with Fatima. I could tell she was near because of the scent she wore. It was alway a known scent, Miss Dior she had to have like 10 bottles of that shit. Not that I am complaining. Shit my baby smells better than all of you hoes.

As I stood near the stairs waiting for her to come down I could see the shocked look on her face

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As I stood near the stairs waiting for her to come down I could see the shocked look on her face. I reached my hand out for her to grab it and help her in the middle of the room.

"Zacc...what is this?" She said as she looked at me with tears forming in her eyes.

"It's me confessing my love to the only woman that has made my heart skip a beat every time she is in my presence. The only woman who gives me a sense of calmness from looking in her eyes. Fatima from the moment I saw you my heart has never raced as fast and it is never as steady. I can't think of a time where I was away and I could only think of one person I wanted to get back to till now. When I am away from you nothing is whole. My heart is half because you are not near. When you are gone I long for the feel of your lips and your body next to mind. I knew this day would come from the moment I stared into your eyes. You are the energy that I need to get through the day. Your voice is the sound that makes me know that I am alive. If I couldn't hear it I would go crazy but I would also have your eyes to look into. The eyes that send calmness over me with just a stare. You are strong yet beautiful, brilliant and confident and that drives my soul. I can't imagine a life without you and if there is one I don't wanna live without it. You are my partner in crime and the mother of my future kids. I love you more than life itself and I am standing here today to ask you..."

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