Captured Lies

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6:30 pm

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6:30 pm.......

"Why wait to tell me this Now!" She yelled as they stood in his master bedroom.

"Look, I didn't know we would be here. I can't just go around telling people what I do."

"I thought we would tell each other everything. When he showed up out of nowhere I told you. I didn't walk around as if I didn't know."

"Baby it was never my intention for you to find out  that way. I don't even know how the hell he knew. And who is this nigga supposed to be to you. You are around here acting as if he is somebody special.

"What? I never said anything like that and you know who he is. I have explained to you who he was. I don't want him and he knows that. But let's not change the topic. You have this whole different lifestyle and identity. And to add to it this bitch just pops up out of nowhere claiming that you have a child together. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Baby I promise I was gonna tell you and as far as her that's not my kid. I haven't touched her since we've been together. You have to believe me."

"At this point I don't know what to believe. You have been lying for months and you want me to believe you. I can't do this shit right now." She started grabbing her stuff to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Home, I need time Zac.I don't know if I am ready for this."

"Baby please don't do this."  He said, trying to grab her as she walked out the door. She was hurt and so was he.

"I love you Zac." She got into her car and drove off, leaving him right there with tears in his eyes.

Fatima had made it to her house not sure how to feel about the events that took place today. She called Aria and asked her to come over. She needed someone to talk to. She was sitting in the car thinking  to herself. Before she decided to get out and go in the house she started feeling sick. She opened the door and ran into her house barely making it to the restroom and releasing all the contents from her stomach that she had from earlier. Once she was done she sat on the floor and cried for a few minutes because she was confused and hurt. "How could this be? How could he not tell her?" She got up and washed her face and brushed her teeth. As she was walking down stairs Aria was walking in.

"Hey sweets what you......she looked at her as a tear fell down her face. "Oh no sweets, what's wrong?" She asked as she walked up to her and gave her a hug. She broke down in her arms. They walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"What is it, who do I have to kill?"

"I just can't believe he would keep something like that from me."

"Who sweets?"



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