Business to Capture

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As I stand outside on the balcony over looking the ocean from the home that my future husband brought me so many thoughts flooded my mind

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As I stand outside on the balcony over looking the ocean from the home that my future husband brought me so many thoughts flooded my mind. I was over the heels in love and there was nothing that could bring me down from this high. I went from being single to a fiancée in 6 months. He is the complete package. Sweet, sexy, handsome, rich asf fuck and the sex don't even get me started. How can one person be so perfect. It's like he made him just for me. I was deep in thought and didn't know he was behind me until I felt his hands reach around me and enter my robe. I let out a soft moan when he pinched my nipple.

"You just wake up on go huh?" I asked lending my head into his shoulder.

"I can't help it. When I see you I just have to touch you." He said make his way down to my forbidden treasure finding my clit and gently rubbing it. Kissing my neck and using the other hand to gently rub and tease my nipple. "Ummm, that feels so good." I say biting my lip.

"Don't hold back my moans baby, I need to hear how I make you feel." He says as he slides two fingers into me. Damn I could cum a hundred times off his fingers along. "Damn baby she so wet for me. Do you see how she talks back to me." "Yes, shit." I moan as he moves faster and I can feel myself come undone. "The way she screams my name when you walk into the room is gonna be the death of me and I'll gladly die a hundred death just to please her." Him whispering those things in my ear was sending me over into overdrive. "Omg I'm finna cum." I say riding his fingers. "Give me what I want Dior." "Shit!" I scream as my orgasm hit me like the waves that I had been watching all morning. He removes his fingers once I come down and licks them clean. I watch as he give me a smirk, still feeling the affect of my orgasm.

"Damn baby you taste so good to me." I shake head because this man was something else. As he held on to me because I had not been able to move yet. He turn me around and pick me up peck me on my lips. "Come on let's go shower so we can go."

"Are we gonna finish in the shower?" I asked cause now I was fired up and ready.

"How about we shower get our day started and tonight we make the last night worth it." I smiled at him because if anything I know he was gonna make it worth my wild. "I can do that."

We get in the shower and washed each other bodies . After we get out we do our face routine and get dressed. Today Zac had some things planned but first he said he had a meeting to attend. I didn't know what it was about but I really wasn't focused on it because my head was in the clouds. We leave out the door as Rommel opens the car door for us and head to our first destination. We pull up to a wearhouse which had me curious but I didn't say anything. I just sat back and observed. Zac got out and to guys in suits walked up to him.

"Hey boss, we got a couple of guys you can look into." I heard the biggest guy say.

"Cool, I'll be inside in a min." They nod their heads and walk back to the building. Zac walked back to the car. I rolled my window down and he smiled at me. "I'm head inside and handle some business then we can go to our next destination." I shook my head and he walked away fixing his suit and entered into the building. While he was in the building my mom text me and said she made it back home. I am gonna miss her. I thought about asking her to move with me but I didn't know how she would feel about that. Maybe next time I talk to her I can ask or throw out a hint to her. I was so caught in my mind, I didn't see Zac walk back out of the building. He was fixing his coat jacket and cuffs on his sleeves. When he got in the car he didn't say too much. He energy felt a bit off so I grabbed his hand. He winced when I grabbed it and it made me look at his hand.

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