Talk of Love

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I have been home for a week now. I was under the weather and didn't make it to work. Whatever I had to do I did from home with the approval of Ms. Young. I just couldn't sit around and look at everyone while I was feeling how I was. Every moment I wanted to cry or I felt like I wanted to purk out my insides out. After three days of being home I had caught a mild cold. I don't know if it was from my body fighting my emotions or the weather change but between that and the upset stomach I didn't have the energy to do anything physical. Aria has been staying with me because I didn't want to be alone. She has been my rock. Zac on the other hand has been calling trying to come over but of course I told Aria no to let him in. He had been leaving little gifts and love letters to make me feel better. Not gonna lie like it wasn't getting to me. I was missing him. I was missing his touch and his warmth. I wanted to be in his skin. But the thought of what I learned and Maliyah would take over everytime I wanted to call him over. It was Sunday and I was in bed. I had just finished watching church service on my iPad. I felt it would make me feel better and it did somewhat. Aria was laying beside me with her head on my stomach. It was some weird shit she had been doing since she's been here. It was quiet and I was dozing off. She was on her phone.



"Are you going to sleep on me?"

"No, I am just resting my eyes." I say lying.

"Now why are you lying? You were snoring and your heart beat was loud. I could hear it all in your stomach." She said laughing. I laughed because I was lying.

"I do not snore and hearing my heartbeat in my stomach is crazy." I said, shaking my head.

"I am serious you do snore I have you on video and I could hear it." She said, placing her head back on my stomach trying to listen again. "Maybe it's because it...." Before I could finish I was running to the restroom. This time everything came up. I sat there for a min trying to figure out what was wrong and it hit me I hadn't had a period in almost two months. I was living on such a high , I didn't notice it til now"Shit!" I said out loud.

"You ok sweets, do you need the medicine I got you." She said walking into the restroom.

"No, I think I need a pregnancy test." I said with tears in my eyes because I don't know if this was what I needed right now.

"Look it's okay, sweets. We'll go to the store and get one. Come back and take it. Listen whatever the results are just know I am here." She reassured me. We got up to go to the store. We made it to Target to get a few things and the test. As we were walking through the store I heard someone call my name. I looked back and saw Christian. I rolled my eyes because it was not the time to talk to him. I didn't need sympathy or the questions . I put on a fake smile to hide my feelings. Aria rolled her eyes cause she just wasn't a fan of him and she didn't like how he told me about Zac. She felt as if there was a motive behind it. I didn't know how to feel but I had questions but right now was not the time to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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