Feelings Captured

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Hands up above her head being held in place by the man that she was in love with was more than she could bear

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Hands up above her head being held in place by the man that she was in love with was more than she could bear. He was moving in and out of her at a slow steady pace as a wave of heat rushed through her body cause her to moan uncontrollably. "Ummm...mmmm..." was mostly what you could hear coming from their room. If any one was up and walking around they would be wearing earmuffs because they had been going at it for an hour now. It started as they got into the house being the only one there at the time of arrival.

12:30 AM earlier......

"Let's go home daddy.. Fatima said as she held on tight to Zac while he whispered all the things he wanted to do to her in her ear. He had her hot and bothered to say the least but Zac had one more trick up his sleeves that he want to give her while they were there.

"I have one more thing to give you baby." Zac said as he walked over to the middle of the floor and get everyone's attention.

"Zac I don't think I can handle anymore surprises." Everyone gathered around them and Marcell walked them to hand Zac a large envelope and smile at Fatima.
"Dont be Nervous girl the biggest surprise is over honey. ' he hugs her and walks away.

"So now that my baby has agreed to be Mrs. Taylor I invested in a couple of things for her. Of course it didn't matter if she said no tonight I knew she would said it eventually but I wanted to be secure in our future. So I took the time out to do just that. Open the envelope my love." When she opened the envelope she was surprised to see the content. The first packet was a contact that she would have apiece of Dior. So not only was she Miss Dior she was a silent owner like him. The next packet was a deed to a property that he had purchased for them to build their future home on and she was designated to be able to pick out the floor plans everything was for their future, Zac was securing their love and didn't feel the need to make it to where if they didn't work she didn't get anything. His love was for her and he would be homeless before he took something he gave her back. And beside this was death row. It's a good thing Fatima feels the same way.

"Damn baby I don't know what to tell you." She was so emotional she couldn't get the words out. He grabbed her by her waist giving her a  passionate kiss. "You don't have to say anything you already said what I wanted to hear today. Let's go home." They walked around and said their goodbyes to everyone. On the ride home their sexual tension was so high Fatima straddled his lap and started kissing him sloppily.

"Damn baby we ain't go make it home if you keep on." He said pulling back from her breathing heavy.

"It's ok baby we have all night." She made her way to his pants and put out the hardened budge that was aching to be released from its hold. She got off him and brought her mouth to the tip of his penis licking it with the tip of his tongue. "Ummmm don't tease him Dior." He said ready to throw his head  back because she was massaging his penis with the spit she released on the tip, getting it nice and wet.

"Patience baby." She said now taking the tip into her mouth while massaging his balls with her free hand. Damn baby you know how to make me speechless. She was now moving her lips up and down while twisting at the same time. She could tell he was enjoying it so she took it up a notch by taking the full penis into her mouth, giving it a long hard suck and pulling it back out her mouth. 

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