Torned Apart

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He was the fuel for the fire.

Tommy knows that nothing with ever get rid of that fire. He was a black sheep apart from his family, as they were a musician, a technology CEO and a athlete all as one.

No matter anything he does, they have always one upped him in their past, or have just recently. He liked cooking, but dear father said Techno did it within his twelve years of age.

He liked music, but oh the narcissistic brother said he was the musician of the family, therefore he is supposed to be the talented in music as he achieved it at the ripe age of ten.

He wanted to be a CEO, just like his dear father, but looks like he had already done it by twenty five years of age. No matter what thing he does, they always have the second step above.

He hated it, as much as he was supposed to be thankful for a wealthy and 'well observed' family,
it was only ever well observed when shown to the screens. They treat him like treasure, but in reality, he was a mat stepped on over and over again.

Then, he only resided to the one thing he was finally good at, rather than worrying about his brothers achieving it at their past. But, he wasn't good enough. He heard and remembers their words clear as day, and foggy as night.

Laughter chimed through the empty household, the family having their fun in board games that collected dust from the years of being untouched. Except for one,
As much as a young Tommy felt confident, that confidence resided with nervousness, of course.

Would they care? Was the question that clouded his mind, he had been an artist by joining campaigns in his school and winning every single one of them.

He won, and won, and won. It was something that he felt comfortable in doing rather than being forced in joining useless karate classes, besides that,
he was a ballet dancer, as silly as it sounded, he was in fact a known ballet dancer that was still learning the basics.

The school praised him, as much as he felt constant joy, he felt a void of blackness that consumed his heart. He never told his family.

Or, relatives he could say, because, were they even family in the first place? He sighs with irritation. Trembling as he took step by step and moved down to go to the living room,
Where the family was conveniently playing without him.

He could do this, a young Tommy thought, if the school praised him, than his family would surely do. He held in a forced breathe. Going down the spiraled stairs than led to the colorful living room that was lit of off candles scented lavender.

"Father?" He calls out, his small voice trembling in fear, as if it was a mouse's squeaks. The family stops, moving to the direction of the young Tommy that stood beside the spiraled stair case.

William was the first to snap, "It's probably just a mouse, Dadza" he stares at the young child he used to love, "ignore it",
Tommy's heart squeezed in size. Wilbur would never say a thing like that, would he?

He adores Tommy. He does. Why... Why did he say that? "But, wilby, it's.. It's me?" His voice was quiet, and Techno huffed at the sound. He always did that. Were they annoyed? Was he going to far?
Maybe he should tell them tomorrow.. Yeah.

They're busy, it's fine. (They are always busy when it comes to him)

Then, tomorrow happens and they laugh at him, how irritatingly common.

"For Christ's sake, Tommy! Quit your goddamned act! Tell us already!" William groaned, as he still hasn't had his early morning caffeine.
He was more grumpy than usual. How strange, young Tommy thought.

He held his shirt, "I, I um...-" "SPIT IT!" he squeezes both his eyes shut, he hated loud noises. "I WON ALL THE SCHOOL'S CAMPAIGNS AT ART AND UGH..! IM A BALLET DANCER!" He squeaked.

He waits, and waits. A few seconds come flying, and.. They burst out laughing.. Why, why are they laughing? Did he just humiliate himself, in front of his own family?

"Ha!" That was Philza. "I-Im sorry? What? YOU? win all the art campaigns in the school? Unbelievable! You are more than nothing but a useless outcast!" That was William.
"What a gleeful liar we have! There is no way you do ballet!" And.. That was Techno.

He rushes to his room, banging the door close as he cries for hours.

He felt torn apart.

He felt torn apart. And he still is.

He laughs, cackles as he remembers those old times. Well, at least it was a few hundred decades ago.
He survived more than those fuckers ever did. That's the upper case of an immortal.

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