Kindness Comes with Hatred

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Fair Maiden of All
Shall I Die to Provoke yours?

The blonde father hums tunes, caressing his child's hair, combing it softly. The young child in his arms giggles, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" He asks in a low tone.

Philza hesitates with the sword he holds, staring at his youngest child mourning over the death of his middle child. He had killed his fledgeling.

He had killed his middle child. The child who raised his youngest while he was gone with the oldest. He had killed the father figure of his youngest.

And the most gut wrenching feeling of all, he had ruined his own son's innocence, whereas he killed the other. He stares at the pink piglin. His oldest.

The said piglin stood silent, Philza could tell his breathing was uneven. He himself was uneven, because what father would kill his own child?

He mutters in regret as his youngest screeches, tears running down the child soldier's face. Kristen would kill him, he had failed.

He had failed as a father.

The blonde child snorts, clapping his hands in joy, looking at the mirror in his hands. "Kind" The father quirks an eyebrow, "Kind?". He repeats the words. The blonde child nods.

Tommy whimpers, fear striking him as he holds the hands of his older brother who got stabbed by their own father.

He cries. He cries for the years of hard work and the endless work for preparing of war. They lost at their own fight with his family, the two relatives who silently decided to leave the both of them for good.

Tommy grits his teeth, blood splattered on his uniform. His own father would do anything to protect to oldest. Even killing his own fledgeling.

"I HATE YOU! " He cries out, repeating those words again and again. Philza winces at the sudden hostility, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! " He punches the dirt in pain.

He stares at his supposed father, "you promised. " He whispers. Tears streaming down his wrenched face. Philza looked at him with guilt, "Look Tommy, I know I– " "shut the fuck up. " He hissed.

"You know you what? Huh? You know you what HUH? " He shouts at the old man. "Well I don't fucking care! You still killed him! " he points to the dead body of his older brother, Wilbur.

"Dadza?" The young blonde calls, "Yes, Tommy?" The older hums at the youngling. "Do you promise not to leave us?.... And hurt us?" He asks. Philza replied, bewildered.

"Of course, I'd never lay a single finger with bad intentions on you and your brothers"

"YOU KILLED YOUR OWN DAMN SON! " He screeched in pain. Staring at what– who was supposed to be his father. "You liar. "

Everyone stays silent, they expected someone to humble Philza about that, never Tommy to tell at his own father.

Philza shuts his eyes close, "OPEN YOUR GODDAMN EYES! YOU DON'T GET TO WALK YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE! " He hears his youngest scream at him.

"YOUR A LIAR, PHILZA! " He shouts with fuming anger. To the point the battlefield was left quiet, because two, no one had ever seen Tommy so angry.

He stomps his foot, "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T HURT ME OR WIL! " Tommy hisses at the old lad. "YOU PROMISED! " He stops. His knees giving up.

He cries. "You said you wouldn't leave us? " he stands up with less vocals. "From this day forward– " He points to both Techno and Philza, "You and Techno aren't considered as my family anymore"

He said sternly. Philza and Techno looked down in guilt.

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