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Theseus looks at the Alien
The Alien stares back

Purpled seemed to be nervous, "So, Descendant of Aphrodite, right?" He asks the blonde beauty. Theseus hums in response, showing no interest in the conversation. "Aphrodite chose you?" He asks again.

The shorter blond flickered his eyes towards the Alien, "Of course, I am in her bloodline, likewise" then he asks, "You're a Galactus?" He asks the taller. Purpled rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah.. Never knew you were also a descendant of Greek Gods and Goddesses"

The descendant of Aphrodite snickers quietly, "And I never knew you were the descendant of Zeus" He blurts out, "Hence why you like lightning, huh?". Purpled smirks, nodding his head. Theseus hums, "No wonder you like tridents a lot, speaking of tridents, how much tridents are in your collection right now?"

The descendant of Zeus smiles gladly, "Currently seventy four, got the last four around 2 days ago" he shrugs. "Ha." Theseus laughs, "And you seem to call me obsessed with my discs?" The purple Alien rolled his eyes, showing no effort in hiding it.

Purpled's breath hitches, staring at the beautiful, he assumed teenager but actually more than three hundred years old, "you are very pretty for a big man, you know?" He jokes, Theseus huffs, raising both his hands "Shut it, at least my God wasn't going around and fucking random women for Christ's sake"

The Alien gasps in fake offense, "At least Both me and Zeus can pull bitches!" Theseus laughs at the response, "Oh please, A Galactus like you wouldn't pull anyone, though, you clearly did pull me" He smirks.

"Oh shut up, we might end up like Tubbo and Ranboo if we keep this bullshit up" The Galactus murmurs. "Correction, : Ranboob" Theseus smiles proudly. Purpled sniffs in laughter, "I'm so using this as blackmail" Theseus grins mischievously,

"remember Purpled, I may all be beauty, but just so you know, I'm two steps ahead of you" The descendant of Beauty whistles, pulling out two pictures that both have Purpled kissing Tommy's cheek and the other containing both hugging.

Purpled's jaw drops, "Once I convince Techno and Wilbur, your no better than a rotten rat" He snickers. Purpled laughs along, talking with the other descendant for what seemed like hours.

"Hey purp, remember the time we snuck out during Wilbur and Quackity's match in gambling?– "–and Wilbur caught us and gave me a platonic man to man talk? "–and you were shitting tears, I swear" Purpled huffs in response, Tommy rambles on and on.

Purpled stops to admire his beauty, his pupils forming the shape of a heart, "you're pretty, I'm serious" he blurts out randomly, blinking multiple times, Theseus laughs at his comment. "You are no better than a man trying to sexually assault a minor"

"HEY!" "But, I must say, those words coming from a Galactus are rare" he continues, "Your sweet, hon." He says with the most heartwarming tone. "But, Beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit. To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself–

Avoid trying to be something your not" He says with welcome, Purpled listens to the words that came out the other descendant. Theseus huffs, he raises his hand before Purpled could say a word.

"Quit trying to be like your brother, Punz, be yourself, be the highest expectations for yourself because you are the only one who truly understands your feelings" He jabs his finger to the taller boy, the Alien could do nothing but sigh.

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