ᑕᒪᑌᗴՏ Iᑎ YOᑌᖇ ᕼᑌᗴՏ

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Singing songs and Sinking Ships

Fans scream and faint, and one stands from everyone. Tommy was pissed he even had to go to this concert, he could not believe he fell for Deo's trap and this was an actual location.

Hell, Tommy was told to wear something outstanding so he could easily be spotted in the large crowd.

He wore a strawberry shortcake dress as a joke and now everyone's looking at him like some weirdo. LGBTQ exists, idiots.

He also wore a flower crown with tri-colors ranging from pink to blue and green. He did create small vines so it would look like vines were wrapping around his layered dress.

It wasn't extraordinary without his hair free, making him look like some entitiy. He promises he isn't one, really.

He could mark everything wrong in this concert. Why the hell is the upcoming band's name is 'Business Bay', copyright, am I right?

Their show theme was weirdcore, It wasn't anything new for him since he went to a ton of Melanie Martinez concerts since he was younger. He will make Deo pay for this shit, but he spent no dollars on the ticket since he was supposedly a VIP member.

He doesn't know why or how, so don't question him, don't irritate him nor touch him. A lot of people were breaking those rules he set his own mind space of, some older men thinking he was a female before running away the second he spoke.

They were questioning his gender, He hated it. He's a big man, He is a He, He is a male. That's all they needed to know. (p.s. a lot of guys around his age was asking for his number, they didn't even care he was a man)

He watches as the crowd silents, 3 men come up the stage with joyful smiles as they glance through the crowd seemingly as if looking for someone.

Not to mention, They waved at his direction. He points to himself, looking at the masked men with uninterested eyes. They nod gladly. Hell No, They better not ask me to come up that goddamn ass stag— fuck, I don't even know them

"May the one pointing towards himself come up the stage?" They ask in unison, Fuck, I really jinxed myself, which is extremely weird as he is a minor and did not fully consent to this.

He holds in a gulp, sighing with defeat as they chanted him to go up, (they didn't meet him ever in his life whatsoever) "Uh, Fine! Jesus fucking Christ man" He groans, irritated.

Walking slowly onto the stage, Tommy whistles a tune, which in surprise, the masked singers whistle the next tune back. Who in the holy hell are these dumbasses? He grumbles to himself.

He knows he shouldn't trust strangers, but the smell of axe body spray constantly reminds him of three idiots he knows who tricked him into going into this goddamn concert.

"Do you recognize us—" Before the brunette stranger who awfully reminded him of Deo spoke truthfully, Tommy cut him of quickly "No, in all my use of my cerebrum, I do not know any of you" He spat in a nice way.

They seemed to cock an eye brow, he could tell really well. Then he stares back at the three soon to be singers. One light blonde, one brunette, one with Raven hair in the same hairstyles that he knows who owns them.

His eyes widened. Deo? Bitz? And Lu? THERE IS NO WAY.

They returned a small grin.

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