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☆ 29. Chapter 29font record

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Chapter 29

Zhou Xiaomei blushed and wanted to excuse herself. Qin Shiyue seemed to see what she was thinking, and said: "You also know your parents' attitude towards your marriage. Who knows who you will marry when the time comes. Your third brother and I naturally hope that a man will be talented and a woman will be beautiful. , lovers will eventually get married, it depends on what you think."

Zhou Xiaomei lowered her head and hummed softly: "I have liked Brother Erniu for a long time, and he also likes me... I just don't dare to let others know, no If you talk about the gossip in the village, just say that your parents will definitely go to Brother Erniu's house to make trouble if they find out."

"I understand," Qin Shiyue said no more, "I will try my best to help you find a solution for this matter, but you You also need to be smarter. Now is a troubled time. Although you are underage, you can't protect their interests, so they have promised you to someone unknown." When

Zhou Xiaomei heard this, her expression changed greatly: "Third sister-in-law, can they really do that?"

" They are your biological parents. Don't you know them better than me?" Qin Shiyue asked, "But you don't have to worry too much. It's always good to be smarter."

Qin Shiyue glanced at her and took out another bottle. The hand cream came to give to her: "The cosmetics I sell can't be given to you now. The Zhou family has a lot of eyesight. I'm afraid you will get into trouble if you take it. You can use this hand cream first, and you can also wipe your face. When there is a chance in the future, I will give you another set of skin care products."

Zhou Xiaomei took it with a face of surprise. She had already used up what Qin Shiyue gave her last time. This thing is really easy to use, and my hands feel much smoother after using it.

Qin Shiyue and Zhou Chuan returned to their homes, cleaned up briefly and then went to the fields with two hoes.

This year's crops were pretty good, and the two of them didn't go home until dark. Sure enough, the Zhou family sent someone to invite them to have dinner. Qin Shiyue and Zhou Chuan naturally refused to go. The eldest brother Zhou and the second eldest brother Zhou almost tried to force them to go, but neither husband nor wife was moved.

After some time passed, all the crops in the fields were finally harvested. Qin Shi was more and more afraid that no one would see the food if they left, so he only kept a small part of the food and drove it to the county town by hired ox carts, and sold the rest.

When he came back this time, he told about the sale of his land and said he would come back to see it after a while.

When he passed by the Yinma River on his way back, Qin Shiyue looked at the river that had cost him his life, and said to Zhou Chuan: "Xiaochuan, I always feel that this river is unreliable. How about we spend some money to repair it? "It's not a small sum of money to build this river, not to mention they don't plan to be in Yuanbao Village, but this is their roots after all, and there are many folks here that Qin Shiyue loves.

Zhou Chuan said: "Although we don't have any flood disasters here, it's good to repair it just in case. Besides, during drought years, the water in the river can still irrigate crops." "

Then let's take advantage of this time to repair it." Qin Shi Yue calculated it, and he didn't know how much it would cost, but he was afraid that the money in his hand wouldn't be enough, and even if he could, there wouldn't be much left.

   ✓ I sold cosmetics in ancient timesWhere stories live. Discover now