⚡️ A Broken Man ⚡️

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[Inspired by ThatHuhDude , told ya you gave me an idea]

It was real...the unimaginable pain was exactly what he felt when he lost his mother at the hands of the reverse flash but now that pain had multiplied to something worse than he'd ever felt before; he had became a shell of the man he used to be and nothing was more worse than losing the last living member of your family

Barry had stopped Zoom, he defeated him and watched as he was taken away by the time wraiths..and for a moment he thought it would give him some sort of closure but it didn't..it didn't take away the pain that crushed his soul. Not even the condolences from Oliver and the rest of his friends could make it better; there was only one thing he wanted..to feel whole again

He sat on the wooden steps outside of Joe's house as he just looked out in the distance; he wanted his father back, he'd just gotten him back after he was released from prison..it wasn't fair

The door to Joe's front door opened up as Barry shifted his gaze behind his shoulder and saw Iris come out as she greeted him with a smile but Barry didn't reciprocate the smile as he just looks forward again

Barry: I can't stop thinking about my dad's doppelgänger. Seeing him, knowing that he's out there...that should've made it easier. It doesn't..it just doesn't..

He found himself at a roadblock...one in which he wanted nothing more than to break through it

Barry: It just made me miss him even more...

Iris couldn't begin to know what Barry was going through, while she'd lost her mother months ago..she couldn't know what it felt like to not only lose your mother when you were a child but now to lose your father, let alone murdered in cold blood right in front of you

Iris: I can't even imagine how hard that must have been.

Barry: We just won. We just beat zoom. Why does it feel like I just lost?

Once again he began to think about how unfair all of this was, he'd done so much as the flash, taken down so many bad guys, saved a ton of lives and yet he couldn't save the one life that was most important

Iris knew the answer to his question as she lays her hand gently on top of Barry's as she softly tells the man who waited so long for her

Iris: Because you've lost a lot in your life, Barry, more than most, but... maybe you and me, seeing where this thing goes, maybe that can give you something for a change.

Barry smiles at her, finally after so many years, the woman he loved saw him and wanted to be with him. While it should've made him feel better, it didn't..not really

Barry: That's all I've ever wanted to hear you say - and I wish that I was in a place where I could try that with you, but I feel so hollowed out inside right now. I feel more broken than I've ever felt in my life.

Barry pauses as he lets this moment sink in..it was a moment he would cherish forever despite the terrible circumstances

Barry: If I'm ever gonna be worth anything to you, I need to fix what's wrong with me. I need to find some... some peace.

Iris could truly see how broken Barry was, the look in his eyes told the whole story..he didn't have the look of hope he used to have which is why she understood how he was feeling, how it wasn't the right time for them to see if their relationship would work out

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