⚡️ A Stressful Day ⚡️

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Barry walks into his apartment with his briefcase in hand as he takes his key out of the keyhole then sets the keys in the basket on the stand then puts his briefcase down as he closes the door and takes his jacket off as he hangs it on the coatrack

He walks over to the coffee table and picks up the remote and turns the tv on which shows the Leonard Snart case on the news

Barry scoffs and plops down onto the couch as he stretches his arms out with a groan; while he didn't like giving Leonard Snart a deal, he did know that the case was circumstantial at best and would likely result in Snart being found not guilty and that was something he didn't want

The sound of footsteps registers in his ears but doesn't bother to look over knowing exactly who it was

"Today was a very stressful day."

He says to the person in the dining room as a rather feminine and genuine voice replied back to him

?: I'm sorry, hun.

She walks into the living room and over to Barry as she wraps her arms around his chest as he starts to rub her arms while she leans down and plants a kiss on his cheek

?: Is there anything I can do to make it better?

Barry let out a chuckle as a smile forms on his lips, his girlfriend always knew exactly how to make him feel better as he immediately grabs her and pulls her over the couch and she bursts out with laughter over her boyfriend catching her off guard

Barry lays her down on the couch and plants a kiss on her lips then looks into her soft gaze and even now his heart flutters just looking at her

"I love you, Diana."

Diana smiles back as she puts her hand on his cheek as she leans up and gives him a kiss, no matter what Barry goes through during his day, he always knew exactly what to say to her

Diana: I love you too.

Diana softly pushes Barry up as she gets on top and then gives him another soft kiss before she starts to pull up her white t-shirt

Diana softly pushes Barry up as she gets on top and then gives him another soft kiss before she starts to pull up her white t-shirt

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[Portrayed By: Alexandra Daddario]

But Barry stops her grabbing her hands as a look of confusion crosses her face as Barry grabs the remote and turns the tv off

"How about we take this too the bedroom?"

Diana didn't even respond as she stood up and grabbed Barry's hand and pulled him up and led him into the bedroom


Barry sat on the bed with his shirt across his shoulder and water dripping down from his body as he was checking his emails on his phone; after the run he and Diana had the two of them took a shower

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