⚡️ The Way Things Were ⚡️

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(Flashback/6 Years Ago)

Being a superhero was a responsibility, a gift to be used for the good of mankind, and what that meant was to use your powers to help people and make the world a safer place, and for the fastest man alive that's all he wanted. He wanted to make the world safer and use his powers to protect his loved ones

But unfortunately being considered the fastest man alive didn't always mean you were the fastest because sometimes there was always that one person who was faster than one, and who wanted to use that advantage to take everything away from you..no matter the cost

The air was thick with tension as the flash got up to his feet following a lightning bolt from the evil speedster Savitar who Barry had discovered was an evil time remnant he created during his fight with Eobard Thawne; the time remnant blamed Barry for his eternity trapped in what he proclaimed to be his hell

And the only way to fix things was to create Savitar by killing Iris and breaking the speedster; Barry looked forward to see that Savitar held Iris in his metallic right hand as Barry instantly knew what was gonna happen as he started to limp forward with his cowl ripped partly due to the fight against his other self

"Please. Don't...don't do this."

But Savitar didn't care to hear the pleads from his main counterpart as he just tells him

Savitar: You trapped me in an eternity of hell. Now welcome to yours.

Barry couldn't bare to lose Iris, the thought of losing another loved one weighed heavily on his shoulders as he held out his right hand and began to plead to Savitar

"No. Don't do this. Please. I-I'm begging you. I'll do anything. Just don't!"

Savitar began to raise his left hand as he says

Savitar: Now finally I am free of you.

And while Barry pleaded with Savitar to let Iris go, the woman who loved Barry for years finally spoke through her tears

Iris: Barry, I love you.

(Portrayed By: Candice Patton)

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(Portrayed By: Candice Patton)

Savitar brings out his metal spike while he tells the speedster something that brings a chill down his spine

Savitar: You lose..Barry.


In an instant lightning began to crackle off Barry's body as he starts to run towards Savitar with every ounce of remaining energy he had in his body

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